On October 30th, the Hong Kong District Council election nomination period was over. Due to the unreasonable design of the nomination mechanism, none of the members of the Pan -Democratic party were nominated. For the first time in Hong Kong, there was no Pan -civilian members participated in the district council election for the first time.The Democratic Party of Pan -civilian Democratic Party also had seven legislators in the Legislative Council of 60 seats in 2016. In the 2019 elections, 91 district councilors were elected.This extremely abnormal political ecology is the result of a series of "one left and two narrow" in recent years.

The concept of "one left and two narrow" was originally a lesson summary of the "anti -British anti -violence" lessons that occurred in Hong Kong in 1967 after the Cultural Revolution.The mentality of the law and the Hong Kong people moved to Hong Kong in the Mainland Cultural Revolution; "Narrow" refers to the closure and sectarianism in the organization. Extreme practices are separated from the citizens of Hong Kong.In recent years, in recent years, the reform and opening up of mainland China has now reached the backward of some "left", and the narrow error tendency in Hong Kong has become more and more vigilant, which is worthy of vigilance.

The situation of clearing one color in the Hong Kong Legislative Council and the District Council today is by no means accidental. This tendency to have four levels of Hong Kong and China.

1. Destroy one country and two systems.The implementation of the Legislative Council and District Council elections in Hong Kong is the "original capitalist system" of the Basic Law.In capitalist countries, the Communist Party of Japan can run freely in Japan and has 10 seats in the Senate, and has 11 seats in the House of Representatives; the French Communist Party can also get 10 seats in the National Parliament through the election.The district committee has 60 seats.At present, in the election of the Legislative Council and the District Council, Hong Kong has blocked 52%to 62%of the political faction supported by voters, and dug to make others "zero parliament" and make a lot of patriotic governing Hong Kong.

The National Security Law of the Hong Kong and Hong Kong areas surrounds the Basic Law. As the freedom and the cornerstone of the rule of law as the international financial center, Hong Kong has been drawn from the bottom of the kettle.

In recent years, the waves and two narrow shocks that have made Hong Kong people mourn more than their hearts. The industrial and commercial circles are full of doubts and loss of the prospects. Foreign capital has been evacuated.Go to Singapore.The status of Hong Kong's third largest international financial center has been replaced by Singapore; the total market value and turnover of the Hong Kong stock market have shrunk sharply. The Hang Seng Index is equivalent to half of the historical high.The international community has increasingly determined that Hong Kong is an ordinary city in mainland China, which is distressed!

Second, damage the overall situation of China's reform and opening up.In the history of China's reform and opening up, Hong Kong has played a role in leverage to some extent, playing an extremely important and irreplaceable role.At the beginning of the change, capitalist countries such as the United States, Europe, and Japan were doubtful that China had long been in a long time, especially during the Cultural Revolution, especially during the Cultural Revolution.It is the "first person who eats crabs" in Hong Kong merchants and takes the lead in setting up factories in the mainland, attracting thousands of horses of the United States, Europe, Japan, and even Hong Kong, Australia, and Taiwan.The funds, technology, talent, market economy concepts, the concept of the rule of law, financial awareness, intellectual property concept, modern enterprise management system ... assist the economic takeoff of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and even the Pearl River Delta.

It can not be exaggerated that Hong Kong has made its leadership for China's reform and opening up!Hong Kong's "maintaining the original capitalist system and lifestyle, unchanged for 50 years" can become a channel, bridge, and super contacts for the communication, exchanges, and cooperation between China and the world capitalist system, which is conducive to absorbing the Chinese -style modern construction officeFunding, technology, and markets needed for developed countries in the United States.However, in recent years, the governance model of the "party leadership" has been moved to Hong Kong, and it has become an ordinary city in mainland China. It fundamentally messed up in Hong Kong's leveraged fulcrum. One country, two systems are harmed, and naturally anti -dumping the mainland reform and opening up. From fundamental disaster and Chinese styleModernization Construction.

Three, drag down the overall situation of peace in Taiwan.After the return of Hong Kong's return, the practice of one country, two systems, objectively became a observation point and reference thing for Taiwan to accept one country, two systems.On the eve of the Hong Kong District Council's election alone, the political school candidates supported by more than half of the voters had actually become a strange thing for zero seats due to nominations. The political parties and supporters of Taiwan will definitely refuse to refuse to have one country and two systems.

Fourth, destroy the foundation of "building a community of human destiny", and sit down in China.In Hong Kong, a special administrative district with only 7 million people, the representatives of Pan -people are deprived of the right to vote, and it is absolutely unacceptable to the international community.In this case, how to make the world convince China advocate "building a community of human destiny" claims?The international community must believe that depriving Pan -people's right to be elected, and the fundamental values ​​and political systems behind them are no different from Western civilization and international order constitute systemic challenges, so they are threatened by China.Gu Yun: "Those who have good ones are very good." It is the retrogression of the reform and opening up of mainland China in recent years, causing the shake of one country and two systems.Some officials of the Beijing -related Hong Kong system and some officials in the SAR, and the people in the establishment faction are all three points in the left, and they are loyal to the left. Is it too late?

The author is the chairman of the Hundred Strategic Think Tanks

Once served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference