As the ground forces of Israel have gradually entered the Gaza Strip, it can indicate that a bloody war began!Human beings have never learned lessons in any war, and even more cruel, more humane, and ruthlessly to deal with the enemy and innocent civilians.Paradoxically, people look at the Evil War, which is even more dark and white, the truth is not discerned, and even the context is disconnected, and it is blindly tirled or raised.

Some people like to set the theory from the root cause of history.Talking about the roots of the war, this time Hamas attacked Israel first, invading Israel with a spatula machine, gliding machine, and authentic invasion, killing civilians, attacking the audience who participated in the music festival, and even kidnap hostages, and then caused Israel to counterattack.However, when the Israeli army entered Gaza, cut off hydropower and communication, bombing (mistake?) Hospitals and air -attack refugee camps, people quickly shifted their targets to condemn Israel, scold them cruelty, inhumane, scolding them as butcher, Jewish recoveryNationalist.Why did you ignore Hamas as the beginning of the war?Is it a terrorist who attacked the public and abducted hostages?

There are still, there is a strong Baza camp in the world, and refuses to recognize Hamas as a terrorist.Symptoms lies in the formation of modern war. It is no longer as simple as guns, tanks, missiles, aircraft carriers, fighters and soldiers.The most important part is intelligence and publicity war.

Look at the Ukrainian war.As the first artillery shell fired, the dense and continuous propaganda machines were followed. They lied to the battlefield report, exaggerate the enemy's death figures, showed more sharp weapons, and even talked about nuclear weapons attacks.In order to express the legitimacy of launching war, it also fabricated the excuses of "NATO eastward expansion and threatening Russia's survival". Therefore, the Nazis of Ukraine must be cut to ensure the safety of Russia.

Sun Tzu's Bingshu said: soldiers, weird."If you are favorable, you can seduce it. Those who are chaotic can seize it, solid can be alert to it, strong ones can avoid it, the momentum can be harassed, you can proud of it, you can exhaust it, you can get rid of it, you can get rid of it.It.

Don't forget, how did the U.S. military lose the Vietnam War?It is losing in war propaganda.The news picture of the monk's self -immolation on the streets of South Vietnam shocked the world, and how much anti -American emotions set off?There is also the news photo of the "Fire from the Sky" of the Pulita award. The little girl who was burned by the US military bomb exploded and burned naked girls was running, causing global anger anti -war demonstrations, protesting the cruelty of the U.S. military, making the U.S. military like crossing the street like crossing the streetMouse had to be embarrassed.

In the first wave of attacks on Israel, Hamas took away hundreds of hostages, and the world called on people.Soon, Hamas also released a few hostages, but on October 31, they suddenly released hostage videos. Some Israelic hostages shouted through video, condemning Israel's Prime Minister Neya Huhu ignore the safety of hostages.Neutana believes this is "cruel publicity."

This is an example of war propaganda. This has become an important weapon (intelligence war is also important). It can incite the people's hearts, reverse black and white, and even break through psychological defense to win.The sober people must be misled by these propaganda. Please calm down and read the grandson's "soldiers, weird", so as not to easily make a judgment of the war of war.

The author is a local writer