I have increasingly believed that science and technology, as the most important force created by human beings, will change the world irreversible, and the fate of human beings is likely to be equal, either to become immortals, or all destroy.However, in this short -term fluctuation, some people will become unfortunate victims.

There are rumors that Einstein has satirized human stupidity: "There are only two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the unlimited universe." I have not found this.Primitive source, let's borrow it.

How to understand stupidity?Based on the relationship between people and me, you can avoid emotional understanding of stupidity.The following two behaviors are the most stupid: harmful people and self -harm; rejecting benefits and self -interest.The following two behaviors are very stupid: harmful people are not good for themselves; rejecting people will not damage themselves.In comparison, it is not stupid to damage others, but just selfish or greedy.In the same way, wisdom can also be understood in the relationship between people and me.

Based on the understanding of stupidity, I sometimes feel that although human intelligence has become more and more developed, human stupidity does not seem to improve.I even think that compared with World War I and World War II, although today's intelligence of human beings has been greatly enhanced, it has become more stupid and repeats the mistakes of the late Qing Dynasty in the late Qing Dynasty in a larger scale.

The so -called late Qing Dynasty can be understood here that it becomes stupid because of the serious disconnection of cognitive logic and factual logic, which leads to disaster.The reason why compared with the Late Qing Dynasty was because there was no rise in new types of power before the Qing Dynasty, and the competition between the various dynasties was basically the competition between homogeneity.Severe disconnection from factual logic.However, in the late Qing Dynasty, it faced the impact and challenges of new civilizations and power, and was caught in a serious dismissal of cognitive logic and factual logic, which led to annihilation.Similarly, today's world and human beings are also facing the challenges of new power and even new civilizations, and they are also seriously disconnected into the cognitive logic and factual logic, and they fall into the 2.0 version of the late Qing Dynasty.

The split of global cognitive logic and factual logic

"Specific political behavior does not depend on the authenticity of a proposition, but on people's views on these behaviors.".) The Paloro's view made by Fenner is very profound, not only suitable for politics, but also almost applicable to all fields.The basis for people's behavior is not a fact, but cognition.The Chinese should be familiar with the absurdity and tragedy caused by this cognition lag in the world changes.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the world has entered the industrial era, but the Chinese are still intoxicated by their achievements in the agricultural era, and they live in the heavenly dynasty.Don't say that conservatives are still indulging in opium -like hallucinations. Even Li Hongzhang, Minister of Western Minister Li Hongzhang, only acknowledged the backwardness of China's weapons."" ".However, it is more profound and powerful than cognitive logic. The logic of the matter itself -whether the world itself has changed and has a role -this does not change due to people's cognition of the world.If cognitive logic conflicts with factual logic, the latter will ruthlessly and cruelly fight the former's face.In the late Qing Dynasty, the real reform caused damage to the country and the people ("ourselves" refers to the highest ruling group in the late Qing Dynasty).The development of the world ruthlessly hit Daqing's face -Daqing died.Therefore, Predito's point of view should be more accurate as: cognition is very important, but only when it is in line with the thing itself can it have a positive effect; if it contrary to the thing itself, it becomes stupid and causes it to cause it and cause it to cause it and cause it to cause it and leadRidiculous and disaster.

Today, human beings are repeating the same mistakes at a larger scale, and they are seriously disconnected into a widespread and profound change in cognitive logic and factual logic: the world today is undergoing extensive and profound changes.——This is the factual logic that does not change due to cognition, but many of the perceptions of the world today are still limited to the traditional era, causing many avoided humiliation and tragedy and tragedy.

Politics cannot keep up with science and technology development

Unprecedented changes in human serious history, it takes the rapid development of science and technology as the most important driving force, and profoundly changes human society (Deng Xize: Three major changes and human fate, Sichuan University Journal of 2022).As long as the three of artificial intelligence, brain machine technology and genetic modification technology, the three will change the world thoroughly and irreversible.Among them, artificial intelligence is the hottest.There is still no doubt whether it can reach the advanced level (human brain level), but it can reach the intermediate level (which can perform complex instructions to replace most of the repeated labor).

In this big change, the most important manifestation of global cognitive logic and factual logic division is that politics cannot keep up with the development of science and technology.Neither the political elite nor the technology elites have not seriously considered how the development of science and technology will affect national politics, international politics, and human fate.The reason why this article focuses on politics is because it is the most organized and orderly resources and strength of humans to change society and the world most directly and significantly.However, this traditional political function and status will soon allow a new type of politics -technical and political.

(1) The backwardness of national political concept

Since the evolution of human politics, democracy and the rule of law have become the mainstream, and it is also a model of political legitimacy. No country dares to publicly oppose modern values ​​such as democracy, rule of law, human rights, equality, etc.However, there are also some autocratic people governing the country under the banner of democracy and the rule of law.Therefore, there has always been a struggle between democracy and autocracy, and this struggle can be called a political system or ideological differences.

Regardless of democracy or authoritarian, the construction of political legitimacy must be carried out. The core task is to answer the two questions that any ruler wants to be ruled smoothly."" "Why do you obey me?" The different answers to these two questions constitute the ideological differences between democracy and authoritarian.However, no matter how to answer, the relationship between democracy or authoritarian, whether the rule of law or human governance, the relationship between rule and being ruled is unchanged. The change is only a specific form of rule and the rule of rule and specific rule.

Further thinking, it can be known that the reason why the construction of political legitimacy is recognized by people and the necessary reason for rule is assumed that the same premise is useful: people are useful.Because people are useful, the ruler hopes that people will obey the rule and arrangement and create value for the rulers.If people become useless or useful, the rulers will no longer care about people's recognition.So, who ruled?Who is the rule?How much does it mean to rule?In short, is the "people" still worth persuading and fighting for the ruler?These issues are worth re -considered.

However, the value of the people's tools declines does not mean that the rulers are better, because they may also be rejected by technical power.In fact, the power maps created by human society themselves are changing, and a new type of power is that technical power has been born and rapidly grows.In early January 2021, the social account of former US President Trump was completely banned by social platforms such as Twitter.However, the deep meaning of this incident was ignored.Technology companies directly ban the president, and the president has no power to fight back, which is a phenomenon that has never appeared in human history.This means that technology has shown obvious power characteristics and began to independent of politics and compete with politics.It is foreseeable that in the future, technology will become increasingly relying on the country. Instead, the country is increasingly relying on technology, making technology independence from getting rid of political control.

In this sense, the ruler of some countries, despite the banner of democracy, is still obsessed with strengthening traditional political power, and is unwilling to reconcile with the people to win a win -win situation.The greater challenge can be described as stupid.

(2) The backwardness of international political concept <


After World War II, especially since the 1970s, the interaction of technological progress and globalization has greatly changed wealth production methods and war forms.This has led to the increasing importance (weight) of science and technology, capital and management in wealth production and national security maintenance; the importance of territorial and geography has decreased, making the world's post -territorial geographical era.

In space, this change is manifested in the commodification of global resources, making the wealth production method present significant de -localized characteristics (including domestic alienization and transnationalization).Relying on specific land and no longer depend on specific territories.At the same time, technological progress has changed dramatically, and weapons are becoming more and more likely to break through the traditional geographical barrier or space obstacles, which seriously weaken the traditional geopolitical military functions (see the stupidity of the geopolitical era and the Russian war after the post -territory of Deng Xize -Russia -Russia -RussiaThe five of the Wuxi War was recording five, and June 6, 2023).

However, all countries, especially big countries, disregard the changes of the times, indulge in traditional territory and geographical concepts, and cause many territorial disputes and geographical disputes.NATO eastward expansion, the Russian and Ukraine War, the conflict between the Sino -US conflict, and the Taiwan Strait crisis are all the products of this stupid concept.The value of a kind of thing dropped from 1,000 yuan to 250 yuan, but the two still spent 500 yuan to compete for these 250 yuan along the inertia thinking.If we improve the concept, humans can not only effectively avoid harming others, but also be able to benefit people and self -interest.

For the minds of the world today, if you ask which country should be the biggest responsibility, it is the United States.At present, the United States is still a comprehensive leading country. It should first understand the changes in the times, change its own ideas, and guide countries to improve their ideas.Only the United States can lead the misunderstandings of the concepts and behaviors of various countries; as long as the United States does not change the traditional concept, this world will not be too peaceful.But unfortunately, the United States still indulge in traditional concepts.Since the 1970s, important American scholars and scholar -type politicians such as Kissinger, Bujitzinski, Aireson, Mills Heman, Waltz, and JP Morgan have all followed or even strengthened the traditional geopolitical concept and affectedForeign policy in the United States.

(3) Lost of the Elite of Technology

I do n’t know if it is because I do n’t understand politics, do n’t care about politics or avoid politics. In the current human stupid drama, the scientific and technological elites have also seriously lost.Musk, Ultraman and others have many big ambitions and plans, but ignore the current reality.Musk's immigration Mars plan may be important, but it is not urgent; Ultraman's basic income (UBI) concept, although kindness, is not urgent ... when they are a grand concept, they ignore technological progress.The social effects are changing the way human society and history are changing. Traditional experience and concepts are almost all invalid. If it continues to be used, it will produce more tragedies that damage and damage themselves, as mentioned above.

These technology elites (and capital elites) should have used their advanced cognition of technology and their influence on society to tell people: traditional political concept -whether it is national political concept or international political concept -as recognitionKnowing logic has been seriously disconnected from factual logic, and should be transformed with conceptual changes.However, they did not do so, this was their losses.This loss is an important reason for the conflict of global stupidity and even many people who damage people.

Who is the victim?

In recent years, I have increasingly believed that science and technology, as the most important force created by human beings, will change the world irreversible, and the fate of human beings is likely to be equal, either to become immortals, or all destroy.After looking back in two or three decades, the current Russia -Ukraine War, the Taiwan Strait crisis, the conflict between China and the United States, and the politics of some countries are insignificant, just short -term fluctuations.However, in this short -term fluctuation, some people will become unfortunate victims.

Poor victims!Who is a victim?

The author is a professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University