The Foreign Policy of the Trump period is full of utilitarianism and unilateralism. Its Indo -Pacific strategy also encourages allies and partners to improve their ability in marine security and play their role.India has high hopes.

Although the Indo -Pacific strategy is officially proposed and systematically explained by the Trump administration, it is limited to limited international enforcement capabilities and unilateralist policy directions.After Bayeng came to power, he continued to highly evaluate and determines the important role of India's participation in the Indo -Pacific strategy. It actively builds a new system of India's strategic fulcrum in the process of carrying out a major influence in the process of conducting foreign policies in the region and the world.Because of its geographical advantages and economic competitiveness, India has become one of the strategic fulcrum countries in the United States and India's strategy. It has formed a joint effort to build a competitive advantage in China.Some Indo -Pacific regions are effective in controlling and controlling China's strategic goals in the two aspects of geographical economy and geopolitics.

India's Path to actively participate in the Indian -Pacific Strategy

The United States regards India as the most critical concept of strategy to China and even the entire foreign strategy. Through the three methods of system upgrade, system creation and system regression, the Indo -Pacific regional institutional system under the leadership of the United States is "lock" in China.EssenceReturn to multilateralism and actively use the existing multilateral regional system to form a checks and balance of China. While weakening China's institutional discourse rights, it excludes China's existing regional influence and strengthens the institutional leadership of the United States; confirming and announced the United StatesJapan -India -Australian Sifang Security Dialogue (QUAD) plays a "fundamental, cornerstone" role in the Indo -Pacific regional policy in the United States; encourages India to play a greater role in regional, international stage and the United States, especially in IndiaPlaying the leading role in South Asia.Not only that, the United States also shows that it has supported India to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council, and joining the nuclear supply country.

The characteristics of

India's strategic cultural realism orientation have always affected the choice of foreign strategic paths and reflected in modern and contemporary India's foreign strategies.India forms a coordinated strategic culture of defense -based and offensive offensive during the Cold War; a conflict strategic culture of strong offensive preferences after the Cold War.Participating in the U.S. Indo -Pacific Strategy helps India to strengthen the force of the eastward action policy, and the east -direction action has continued to integrate with the Indo -Pacific strategy, further promoting the high -quality development of Indian -American relations.India is more actively participating in the Indo -Pacific strategy, further deepening strategic cooperation with the United States, and actively improved the upgrade Quad.India's strategic role change mainly stems from the re -positioning of the relationship between China, India, and the United States and India, and the "topic alliance" that gradually regards Quad as a "topic alliance" and the main mechanism to intervene in regional affairs.

In the political field, India actively accelerates the integration of the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategy, taking the opportunity to realize the transformation from "big world" to "leadership" to "regain India's position in the world order".

India mainly strengthens the continuous integration of the United States and India's "2+2" dialogue mechanism, the US -India -Japan three -sided summit, and QUAD.

As India joins its strategy against China, the United States has expanded the strategy of the Asia -Pacific region into a so -called Indo -Pacific region strategy, and India has become a regional strategic partner in Asia to block China.The United States has actively promoted the Indo -Pacific strategy and accelerated cooperation with India in the Asia -Pacific region.The United States has also promoted India to actively participate in Quad, making it a new military alliance, and the core of being blocked and fighting against China.

In the military field, the United States pays special attention to the maritime military cooperation with India. It is hoped that India will play a more active role in the Indo -Pacific strategy, especially in balanced China.India hopes to use India -Pacific strategy to increase international influence, especially in expanding military technology cooperation, thereby achieving rapid national development.India cooperates with the US strategy, can obtain advanced military equipment in the United States, share the strategic and tactical intelligence involved in China, and improve the level of coordinated combat of military through bilateral and multilateral military exercises.The United States announced the establishment of the India -East Sea Situment Perception Partnership (IPMDA) initiative that the cooperation between the US and Indian in the military field has reached the level of "quasi -allies".

The United States has always regarded defense security cooperation as an important part of the establishment and maintenance of allies.The US -India security cooperation is mainly manifested in improving the defense cooperation system and upgrading the scale of military products.

Geopania of the U.S. and India Strategic Interaction

In the consequences of interaction, India's role in China's global strategy -the main strategic competitors of the secondary strategic direction is the trend of China's main strategic threat pressure and surrounding pressure coordination.

In recent years, India is accelerating the evolution of the geographical strategic direction of "land" to "sea direction"."And" to realize the strategy of the sea and land composite power.India has transformed from the "east -direction" policy to the "east -direction action" policy. It strategically echo the natural development of the Indo -Pacific strategy, and it is also the need to surpass the restraint of South Asia; to enhance the centrality in the Indian Ocean and become the dominance of the Indian Ocean.

The Indian government's category of the Indo -Pacific Strategic Concertication Program reflects the geopolfling of India's desire to implement its geopoli extension to the surrounding areas, including the South China Sea.The transformation from east -to -east -east -to -move policy is a new change in the Indian government's foreign policy, reflecting the position of dissatisfaction in the geopolitical structure of South Asia.Multi -geographical strategic interests.

With the upgrading of the South China Sea issue, India's east -directional action policy will inevitably have a certain impact.Since the South China Sea is the core interest of China in China, India's attitude and actions are directly related to the future trend of relations between China and India.

Strengthening the existence of the Southwest Indian Ocean and strengthening Africa's strategic investment are part of India's larger geographical political strategy.It enables India to effectively monitor its interests in the region and check the increasing influence of China.

"U.S. Priority" and "Made in India" more friction

The United States and India have their own domestic political issues. Between the "U.S. Priority" and "Made in India", the friction expectations increased, and the differences between the US and India trade may further expand.Trade differences will erode the foundation of the United States and India's pragmatic cooperation.The United States has a large amount of idle funds, but it cannot accept additional political conditions. It determines that the cooperation of the United States and India is short -term, intermittent, and unsustainable.

The basic logic of the average political politics determines that India and the United States seem to not be an alliance, and can only establish long -term partnership.Although India is the core link of the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategy, the United States is unlikely to control India.

The background of competition with China's geopolitical competition has always been an important feature of US -India relations.India's comprehensive adjustment strategy to China and the implementation of the "pan -security" policy for China are deemed to be the biggest source of threats. Using the United States' opportunity to China's strategic competition "United States System", take the opportunity to pressure China to check and balance China's ability to rise.Increase the system pressure faced by China.The competition between the China -India system may become fierce.In the foreseeable future, the strong posture of Indian diplomacy will continue, especially for China.

The United States and India deepen cooperation under the strategic framework of Indo -Pacific, adding a negative impact on economic agenda such as the Belt and Road Initiative, which has a negative impact on the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

The author is a researcher at the Institute of International Issues of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences