Source: Surging News

Author: Wang Ruohong

Since the military launched a comprehensive attack in the Evai in late October, the Baki and Israeli sides have erupted fierce battles in the northeast, northwest and central parts of the Gaza region.In this large -scale military operation called "Iron Sword", we saw that Israeli has adopted a tactical strategy different from the past.For other countries, the military tactics in this operation, especially for high -intensity battles under the conditions of complex cities, still have some inspiration.

Spend a lot of time to plan pre -war

After the Hamas armed for armed military operations code -named "Aksa flood" on October 7, although the Israeli army quickly responded, the fighter aircraft launched a large -scale air strike on the target of Hamas in the Gaza area.However, the ground forces did not send the ground forces to participate in the offense for the first time.It was not until October 23 that the small -scale reconnaissance forces and special forces of the Israeli army began to penetrate the Gaza area.Beginning on the 25th, the armored army -made armored forces finally pushed down the isolation wall they built, opened the gap, and officially launched an ground attack against Hamas forces.For more than ten days from the 7th to 25th, the author analyzes the time when the General Staff of the Army formulates a combat plan and submits the approval of the Israeli government cabinet.

Hamas armed for the time selected by the "Aksa Flood" operation, obviously in commemorating the Fourth Middle East War 50 years ago, and also known as the "Atonement Day War".Similar to 50 years ago, Israeli was also caught off guard by the attack on the "Aksa Flood" operation in this "Aksa flood" operation, and there was almost no defense.According to the official statistics of Israel, as many as 258 Forces officers and soldiers were killed by Hamas in the "Aksa Flood" operation, including senior commanders.In addition, more than a hundred Israeli officers and soldiers were captured by Hamas and brought back to the Gaza region.

However, during the "Atonement Day" war, the General Staff of the Israeli Army was very passive in the early stage, and the combat plan and the troops mobilized were formulated on the third day of the outbreak of the war.The strategy of defeating Egypt was eventually defeated to win, avoiding the fate of almost destroying the country.In this "Iron Sword" operation, the General Staff of the Army took more than ten days to complete all preparations and launching ground attacks, which was unexpected.However, considering Hamas's two years of preparation for this "Aksa flood" operation, even after the personnel withdrew the Gaza area, they immediately switched to the comprehensive defense situation, coupled with the extremely complicated battlefield in the Gaza areaIn the environment, the ground offensive plan of the General Staff of the Israeli Army must be set as thoroughly as detailed as possible in order to achieve the battle target of the Israeli army.

Judging from the local war and military conflicts that have erupted in recent years, there are several classic classic urban tackles that can provide a reference for the Episal General Staff. For example, in 2004, the U.S. military and Iraqi government forces jointly launchedThe second Battle of Feruje, the "lead" operation launched by the Israeli Army in the Gaza area in the Gaza area in 2008, and the Battle of the Mali Ubol launched by the Russian army in March 2022.These three battles have different reference significance for the ground offensive of the Israeli "Iron Sword" operation.

For example, in the second Battle of Feruje, the U.S. military adopted tactics such as driving away from civilians, clearing peripherals, unblocked grounds, and dividing annihilation.The militia was completely annihilated, creating a miracle of modern cities.The "leading lead" operation was mainly concentrated in the wild plain operations in the Gasha area. In addition, the large -scale air strikes and comprehensive blockade of the target in the urban area also made the Israeli government achieve the operational goals of the time.The focus of the battle of Mali Ubol is the Ace Steel Factory. There are a large number of underground industries, authentic and bunkers similar to the Gasha area, which can be described as easy to defend.

Of course, the Gaza region itself also has many unique characteristics, so that the Israeli army cannot copy the tactics adopted by the above three battles.For example, the area of ​​Gasha covers an area of ​​365 square kilometers, which is much larger than Faruje and Marwol, and the terrain environment also includes urban areas, wild plains, coastal areas, and urban and rural areas.Therefore, when the General Staff of the Israeli Army formulates the ground combat plan, it is necessary to combine the experience of urban tackling the city in the second Feruje battle with the experience of combat experience in the wild plain in the "Leading" operation.In addition, in the offensive Ace Steel Factory operation of the Battle of Mali Ubol, in order to avoid large -scale casualties, the Russian army adopted the strategy of siege blocking, uninterrupted bombardment and shelling, so that the hidden Ukraine completely lost the fighting spirit., Downship surrender.Then, for the Israeli Army, not only must it be strictly enclosed in Hamas armed forces, but also must also destroy the Hamas armed authentic network.Because after many years of operations, Hamas armed for many years, no exaggeration to say that it has almost hollowed out the underground underground in the Gaza area, and has built a huge and widely distributed authentic network.Essence

In accordance with the previous "lead" operation, after formulating the combat plan for the General Staff of the Israeli Army, the Chief of Staff (actually equivalent to the commander -in -chief of the Israel Defense Forces) shall submit the Israeli government cabinet approval.Including the Prime Minister (the highest commander of the Israeli armed forces in the name), the Minister of Defense (usually the civilian officials), and the cabinet members, including the Foreign Minister, will analyze and discuss the entire combat plan, including every detail.After all passed, the Minister of Defense signed on behalf of the cabinet and approved the implementation.

Multi -road attack, the troops are gradually advancing

The focus of the "Iron Sword" operation of the Israeli Army was to completely clear the Hamas forces in the Gaza area, but it was also prepared for multi -line operations.Judging from the current public information, after a large -scale mobilization and military recruitment, the number of soldiers in the Evaiic forces has rapidly expanded from about 160,000 to 400,000 people from the standby, mainly the ground forces of the Israeli army.The troops participating in the ground offensive on the Gaza area are mainly troops of 10 brigades, with a total of about 100,000.

In addition, in order to cope with the armed arms of the Lebanon Allah, the Israeli army also retains a considerable scale on the northern border, and some troops must be used to monitor the situation of the Syria border (that is, the Gelan Highland).For the security of the Palestinian region on the west bank of the Jordan River, the army did not dare to take it lightly, and some of the military mobilized forces must ensure social security in this region.What makes Israel unexpectedly is that the Hascean armed forces at the southernmost tip of the Arabian Peninsula also joined the anti -front line. The cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and remote suicide drones across the Red Sea across the Red Sea.Important goals in Israel.Therefore, in general, the strength of the three Army of Israel, sea, sea and air needs to deal with multiple combat directions at the same time, which is a bit stretched.

However, in the specific tactics adopted by ground operations in the Gaza area, the Israeli Army unexpectedly implemented a steady guiding ideology.You know, the Israeli Army has always adopted the tactical thoughts of the battle of battle like a storm in the past war.For example, in 1967, the third Middle East War took the initiative to attack Syria and Egypt. It only occupied the Gelan Highlands and the Sinai Peninsula in just six days, so it was also known as the "Six -Day War".The Fourth Middle East War was only 16 days in the Fourth Middle East War, and in 2008, the "Leading" operation did not exceed more than a month.The ground offensive of the "Iron Sword" operation this time. If it starts from October 23 to the interruption of this article, the first step is still in the first step.Core area.

In order to avoid large -scale casualties and equipment loss, the military ground forces adopted the tactical strategy of step -by -step and divided by the army.The Army divided the troops of 10 brigades into three groups, and broke into three directions from the central, northeast and northwest of the Gaza region. The author believes that it can vividly call it "drawing".At present, the ground forces that have emerged from the middle of the Gaza area have penetrated into the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the inland area of ​​the west, which is equivalent to cutting the Gaza area into two parts: north and south with a completely separated north and south.Next, inThe E -Army ground forces in the central Gaza area will use at least six strongholds established by the armored engineering mechanical on the way to concentrate their strength to destroy the north and south of Unicom's north and south, and completely cut off the supply channel of Hamas weapons ammunition.

The Evil Field Army, which is sudden from the northwest, will go south along the coastline to bear the most important city tackling task. In the end, the E -Army ground forces in the middle of the Gaza area will complete the west and the west and the west side of the northern part of Gaza.Blocking south.Although the Israeli Navy has absolute sea rights in the Mediterranean coast in the Gasha area, it cannot guarantee that it is completely cut off the Hamas armed maritime transportation supply channel.Then, as your ground troops completely occupy the coast of the Mediterranean, the purpose of the army can be achieved.

On the one hand, the ground forces in the northeast of Gaza are attacked westward, friendly and friendly associated with the northwest direction, and on the other hand, they must also attack south to the friend of the central part of Gaza.In this way, the Israeli Army can complete the blockade of the north and east of the south of the Sand, thereby forming a complete enclosure.When the Israeli Army completes the encirclement against the northern part of Gaza, the ground combat operation may enter the second stage to imitate the Russian army's continuously implementing the ground, the air, and even the underground (using Hamas authentic) in the Hamas target in the enclosure circle (using Hamas authentic).Three -dimensional attack.

For the Hamas armed forces that adhere to resistance in some core areas, the ground forces of Israel may enter the third stage, that is, the tactics that further siege and eat and eat them.The use of its firepower advantages to continuously consume Hamas's armed forces.