Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

The Guangzhou Fair ended on November 4th, and the Import Expo was held on the 5th to 10th. Between the "Oriental Singing West", seeing that the Canton Fair was gradually miniaturized in Shanghai, and in ShanghaiThe admission to the Expo has both imported exports, as well as platforms with integration of exhibitions, finance, and science and technology, and has become a global "party" of international trade.At the same time, the economic growth of the Pearl River Delta in recent years lacks stamina, but the Yangtze River Delta region is booming. There are problems of transformation speed, and there are also signs of key transfer of the country.In the future, these two areas of the economic development of mainland China will continue to reflect each other, or there is a trend of falling, it is worthy of attention.

Expo Promotion Expo forms are creative Canton Fair online transactions need to be reviewed

The Expo has entered the sixth session this year, and 3,486 companies from 128 countries and regions participated in the exhibition. The intention of the intention of $ 78.41 billion (S $ 106.6 billion), an increase of 6.7%over the previous session.On the other hand, nearly 200,000 overseas buyers participated, an increase of 53%over the previous number, and the export value of offline transactions reached 22.3 billion US dollars, an increase of 2.8%over the previous session.The transaction amount between the two is very different, but what the Expo announces is the intention of the intention of the intention. It can be implemented to see many factors.

The Canton Fair is worth noting, and the number of visitors outside the online exhibition platform is 6.6 million.The habit of developing during the epidemic seems to be maintained after the epidemic.It is true that some old customers have confidence in the quality and style of traditional export products. It can indeed be used online transactions to avoid the toilet and car to reduce costs.However, online transactions can replace face -to -face to look at the price of bargaining, but it shows that the lack of export products of the Canton Fair will be new, and the forms of exhibitions are also unchanged. Although the Canton Fair has also increased the exhibition booth of imported goods in recent years, exports and imports are taken into account.Organization and connotation lack creativity to catch up with the development of the times.


Expo is the first national exhibition with the theme of imports. The organizer is the Ministry of Commerce and the Shanghai Municipal Government.At the beginning of the hosting, most of the participating products were originally purchased by China. The exhibitors "gave face" to show off, and later they would sell products to China.In recent years, China's economy has been weak. Last year, the total import value of imports was only 4.3%over the previous year. This year, the renminbi depreciation was added. The purchasing power decreased, and the total import value of the previous 10 months fell by 0.5%.Although the import is weak, the Expo will be booming year by year.

The Expo has both foreign exhibitors to sell products to China, as well as new products on display of Chinese exhibitors. Visitors present have one -way buying and selling goods, and they also trade with each other.The Expo also organizes various forms of forums with green products or medical and health transaction docking meetings., Analyze the new trend of commerce and trade.In addition to the promotional activities, Chinese exhibitors also exhibit new technologies and services to connect science and technology, industry and finance, and actually promote the complete chain of an industry.Even if some countries and enterprises represent the admission to the Expo, it is not necessary to reach a transaction, but the amount of information of the Expo has reached the point where it is necessary.This is what the Canton Fair is still comparable to the product.

The achievements achieved by the Dingxin of the Expo is undoubtedly praised. The lack of support from the country will lack the support of the country, making the Expo.All provinces in China must send procurement groups. Some provinces also require large cities to organize groups separately. This kind of expo that achieves a business behavior with administrative orders. It is obvious that the country attaches importance to the Expo and further sees in different areasThe degree of attention is different.

Weak exports drag the economic growth technology transformation into the elements of growth

Among the four major regional economies of mainland China, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta are still the most powerful.Regardless of the population and geographical coverage, the total amount of GDP accounts for about a quarter of the country than the Yangtze River Delta region where the Pearl River Delta is strong, and the range of throwing away from the Pearl River Delta is becoming more and more obvious.The top ten cities in the country, seven in the Yangtze River Basin, five of which are in the Yangtze River Delta and two in the Pearl River Delta.The top ten cities in the Yangtze River Delta are expected to have eight GDPs exceeding trillion yuan at the end of this year, and the Pearl River Delta only has four cities over trillion yuan.The bigger problem is that the successor is weak. In the first three quarters of this year, Guangdong's economic growth was 4.5%, which was lower than the national level. The nine cities of the Pearl River Delta had four economic growth rates below the province.

The international market is weak, the growth of exports across the country has slowed down, and cities that excessively rely on exports are the first to be the brunt. The total export value of Suzhou in the first three quarters fell by 7.4%, dragging down the economic growth performance of Jiangsu Province.Dongguan and Foshan also encountered the same problems. The exports of the two cities in the first three quarters decreased by 13%and 11.9%, respectively, and dragging back legs for the export of Guangdong only and 3.9%.

The economic structure of excessive dependence on exports depends on the factors of the transition speed. It is also a city with a large proportion of exports. The export growth rates in Shenzhen and Guangzhou in the first three quarters of this year are 17.7%and 18.5%.12.3%growth.Shenzhen and Guangzhou are driven by innovation products such as exporting new energy vehicles, and Shaoxing benefits from developing emerging markets.

There are many perspectives and factors compared to the economic development prospects of the Yangtze River Delta region and the regional economic development of the Pearl River Delta. Foreign trade is only one of them. However, from the performance of the Expo and Canton Fair, Guangdong does need to catch up.In fact, the overall scientific research strength of Guangdong, coupled with the financial factors of Hong Kong, has become the joint force of the Greater Bay Area, and it can also strive for a day's length with the Yangtze River Delta region.The district and the Yangtze River Delta are also available. China has room to accommodate the next few areas.