Source: Yangzi Evening News

Recently, a cold knowledge "the color of the quilt will affect the quality of sleep", which has caused heated discussion among netizens.The blog post says: red is anxious, blue and white are calm ... the color of the quilt is not right, is this true?

Hou Zhenghua, deputy chief physician of the Heart Medical Medicine Department of Southeast University, told reporters that the color will indeed have an emotional effect or psychological suggestion for people.In the role, some people like to cover the red quilt but have a sense of security.

Not only color, environmental factors such as light, sound, temperature, and humidity can also affect people's sleep quality.Ms. Zhang, who works in Nanjing, has a very light sleep. The sleeping environment at home can be said to be "layer by layer."She told reporters: "There is a sound of a car outside, it will be difficult to fall asleep, the light will wake up through the curtains, and the bedroom is strictly controlled the sound and light, but as long as you live in a business trip, the quality of sleep will drop sharply."

"Different people's demand for the sleep environment is different." Hou Zhenghua said that for those who can adapt to the environment, whether it is temperature, humidity, light or sound, even if the sound and thunder outside the horn and thunder can be great, they can also be able to be able to.Sleep well; but for people with sensitive environment, a little snoring and air -conditioning will pay special attention, and even the more they want to sleep, the more they can't sleep."At this time, wearing earplugs and eye masks will help sleep for yourself."

What needs to be reminded is that if people who usually sleep well, they suddenly care about the sleep environment, and they must consider not only sleep disorders.

Aunt Huang, in her 50s, retired, but she was troubled by sleep problems, so she went to the outpatient clinic and asked the doctor to take some sleeping pills.After examination, the doctor found that she was not simply insomnia."She frowned, anxious to speak, and had a panic in detail, decreased in interest, and further psychological assessment found that she was not simply insomnia, accompanied by medium anxiety and depression symptoms." Hou Zhenghua said, "This situation is just the case.Not only sleep disorders, but also anti -anxiety and depression treatment.

"In fact, many patients have this problem when they come to the doctor. They mainly ask for insomnia, but they will avoid psychological problems and think that this is not a psychological disease." Hou Zhenghua told reporters that if he or his family has always adapt to the environment well,However, in recent times, suddenly I am particularly concerned about the surrounding sleep environment. When this changes occur in vertical contrast, this may not be a pure insomnia. You must also consider anxiety and depression or other mental symptoms.

Melocar, insomnia pills cannot be used randomly

Many insomnia people will take melatonin and sleeping pills by themselves, such as mimazoleon, chlorolgia, or non -phenolitizer drugs such as nitrate.Experts remind that long -term use of melatonin may affect the normal melatonin secretion of the human body, and may even have a certain impact on the reproductive system.Take it under guidance.

"Most sleeping pills have a certain muscle pine effect, and there are some favorable imbalances or morning drunk effects, such as chlorolgius, the elderly cannot eat or increase at will. After getting up in the middle of the night; Including people with respiratory diseases, such as emphysema or pneumonia, if insomnia needs to take insomnia, be sure to consult a doctor and make corresponding assessments, because such drugs may inhibit respiratory function and cause blood oxygen concentration. "Hou Zhenghua, deputy chief physician of the Heart Medical Department of Southeast University, emphasized.