Although the level of rule of law in Hong Kong and civil servants' capabilities are still leading in the world, there is no degree of free democracy as supervision and guarantee. How long can this high level last more optimistic.

Lianhe Zaobao published on May 8th, published by Mr. Dai Qingcheng's article, will Hong Kong Fanmin still participate in the district selection?The predicament of the pan -democracy in the district council election that Hong Kong will hold this year, as well as the lack of inclusiveness in Hong Kong's politics.In October, the preliminary election of the District Council ended.All oppositions including the Democratic Party of the largest Pan -civilian party, none of them were nominated for enough participation in the decision, and all seats in the district parliament were held in advance.This has more clearly proved that Hong Kong has basically lost political diversity.

The author agrees with Mr. Dai, and he is also worried about the current political environment of Hong Kong.Therefore, the author briefly reviews the history of Hong Kong's political change and puts forward some suggestions that consider it.

Since 1841, Hong Kong has gradually become a British colony.During the British colonial, although there were various oppression and plundering for Hong Kong and Hong Kong people, it also developed and constructed.In addition to economic dazzling achievements, the rule of law in the system, the political participation, agency system, and freedom of speech and freedom of speech, it has also experienced both twists and turns and continuous development and development in more than 100 years.From the "Yang Muqi Plan", which was part of the practice after World War II and some of the deaths, to the end of the 1990s, Peng Dingkang's disputed policies to quickly promote democracy, regardless of the purpose of the promoter, the democratic politics in Hong Kong has been developed after all.

After the China -British negotiations and the return of Hong Kong, under the framework of the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong retains most of the rule of law and democratic system during the Hong Kong and British period.And expansion.It is not just because of the policy of business, the rule of law, freedom, and democracy (even limited) because of parental business policies.Moreover, the outstanding achievements in the field of rule of law and the freedom of the press are part of Hong Kong's prosperity and progress.

More importantly, Hong Kong's democratic politics, citizen participation, freedom of news and speech is a means and guarantee for Hong Kong's economic achievements to be inclusive citizens.Hong Kong after World War II was quite prosperous, but corruption was rampant, and the upper levels were cleverly grabbed, and the people were humiliated.A series of turmoil that occurred in the 1960s, in addition to political factors, is basically the people's dissatisfaction with the people's livelihood of Hong Kong and Britain.Later, Hong Kong became more peaceful and harmonious. It was the improvement of the rule of law and the growth of freedom and democracy that Hong Kong people had a more peaceful, reasonable and smooth channel expression and reaching demands.

Later many years, especially after the return of Hong Kong, although freedom of democracy brought some problems and produced some side effects, the flaws were still worthy of recognition.This is not only the view of democratic people. The Central Government of China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, and the Establishment Schools have also held such a view for a long time.Moreover, the Basic Law and various specific institutional measures (such as the "functional group" of the Legislative Council election) as the framework, Hong Kong's free democracy is obviously controllable, and the system itself will not be out of control.

One bamboo pole overturns the whole boat

The anti -repair campaign that occurred from 2019 to 2020, and the later expansion and out of control, as well as the words and deeds of various violence, advocating Hong Kong independence, racial discrimination, are indeed distressed and regrettable.Multiple criticism.However, based on the views of all parties, you can find that behind these conflicts, there are complicated reasons, and you should not simply think about it without comprehensive thinking.Even if criticism is criticized, it is necessary to distinguish between other people who oppose violence, patriotism and Hong Kong.

From mid -2020, the Central Government of China and the Hong Kong Government and other agencies have not only successfully settled the turbulence of the National Security Law, and other people who advocated violence and the implementation of violence.Power and influence are almost completely cleared.This is quite expected by the author's individual and many people.

The author is equally sad and regrettable.There are indeed a few in Pan -Democrats who advocate Hong Kong independence or have participated in violence and other activities.However, most popular people have adhered to patriotic democracy for decades, and have made many contributions to the development of Chinese national development, the happiness of Hong Kong people, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The return negotiations of the year, the drafting of the Basic Law, the Political Reform of the Special Economic Zone, and various people's livelihood policies were involved.In the Beijing Olympic Games, the Wenchuan earthquake, fishing, and condemning the Japanese war at the Japanese War, the pan -democratic school has made outstanding contributions to the country.

These pan -people people have left Hong Kong in prison, and the influence of the Pan -civil Affairs Regiment and relevant citizen organizations is almost zero.Such status quo is embarrassed.Even if they make some mistakes or even sin, they should not be treated too much. They must consider "degrees" and restraint. They must consider their past merits while punishment.

But in the current situation, the central government and the Hong Kong Government seem to have not showed mercy, and even thoroughly eliminate the influence of the pan -people.The significant modification of the election system of the district parliamentary and the significant decrease in direct election seats is an example.The 2021 Legislative Council election that has been modified and has been carried out has long been modified. Pan -people can only send a very small number of participation in primary elections, decisive elections, and the entire army.This proves that the Hong Kong Government no longer tolerates the existence of the people in politics, and acquiesce and organize the establishment of the world.

This situation is worrying.As Dai Qingcheng said, due to the lack of different voices, the official and folk communication skills and the Hong Kong government's governance efficiency have been suspicious.This is actually the inevitability of the singleization of political and public opinion.Lack of dissidents, it is easy to say a word; lack of competition affects efficiency; without loyalty to the ears, all kinds of ugliness will breed in a bustling.Although the level of rule of law in Hong Kong and civil servants' capabilities are still leading the world, there is no degree of freedom and democracy to supervise and guarantee, how long this high level can last.

Today's Central and Hong Kong Government has firmly controlled the situation in Hong Kong. Even if it is slightly relaxed, it will not affect the national and government's control of Hong Kong.Under this premise, if the central and Hong Kong Government can release goodwills, releasing goodwill, leaving room, and tolerance for the basic positions of gentleness, compromise, and adherence to the basic position of patriotism and love of Hong Kong.Such pan -people can be a beneficial force for supervising the government and the establishment.

History is constantly changing, and no one and forces can be unwavering.To be good at others, it is to give yourself convenience.On the political ideas, laws, and positions, there are also conscience, morality, and human nature.Regardless of the establishment of the formation or the pan -people, regardless of Hong Kong or mainlanders, the Chinese people with different values ​​and positions should have the bottom line of being a person; politicians must also understand the golden mean and kindness.In this way, families, interpersonal, folk, politics, and the world will gradually harmonize, and cities and countries can take long for a long time.At that time, the attitude of Chinese leaders such as Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and other Chinese leaders was quite admirable.

I hope that all walks of life in Hong Kong and the central government will review the tolerance of the predecessors and far -sightedness. In the absence of absolute political advantages, those people who are not malicious, have good quality, love the motherland and Hong KongAnd other folk forces, more tolerance and friendliness, for the long -term prosperity and lasting peace of the Hong Kong, mainland, and the Chinese nation, thawing Hong Kong politics that is too suppressing today, has made some limited but sincere and powerful changes.

The author is a writer in Europe, international political researcher