Source: Changsha Evening News

Ms. Li, 38, used a "metabolic cream" under the recommendation of a beauty salon. Symptoms such as facial and limb swelling occurred and were diagnosed with mercury poisoning; Ms. Zhang, 36, went to the beauty salon to inject BotoxToxin thin face, botulinum toxin poisoning caused facial nerve palsy ... In recent years, the Chinese medical beauty industry has become increasingly prosperous, but it has been hidden behind it about drug usage, equipment, personnel qualifications and other related issues.Lai Yan, director and chief physician of the Hunan Provincial Institute of Vocational Disease Prevention, reminded that the pursuit of beauty should put health first, and do not pursue "rapid success", otherwise it will be lost.

Use the "Three None" whitening freckle products, be careful of mercury poisoning

Recently, 38 -year -old Ms. Li used a "metabolic cream" under the recommendation of a beauty salon, which was immediate, but later found that her face and limbs were swollen, and her urine foam increased.Kidney syndrome.In order to clarify the cause, she came to the Hunan Vocational Disease Prevention and Prevention Department of Poison Medicine for further investigation. The results of the poison screening clearly made Ms. Li's kidney disease due to mercury poisoning.

I understand that Ms. Li has always eager to have white and tender skin, and she has purchased a "metabolic cream" that claims to whiten instantaneous whitening in a beauty salon recommended in a friend.Ms. Li insists on using 2 grams per day. The skin of the face is really fair. Unexpectedly, she has symptoms such as physical fatigue, facial and limb edema, less urine, and foam.The culprit is "metabolic cream".

"Product detection results show that the highest mercury concentration reaches 8000 mg/kg, exceeding the standard by more than 8,000 times." Lai Yan introduced.Not only that, the products used by Ms. Li have no formal packaging, which belongs to the "Three None" products.

At present, some "three -none" whitening and freckle products contain a large amount of mercury to achieve the effect of quickly bleaching and bleaching and light spots in a short time, and use this as a gimmick to attract the public to buy.However, products with long -term use of mercury content can cause mercury in the body to exceed the standard or even mercury poisoning. The kidney is the main organ for mercury accumulation and excretion. High -concentration mercury will directly damage the renal tube cells, cause necrosis of the renal tubular, and cause nephrotic syndrome.In addition, mercury poisoning can also damage the respiratory system, digestive system, and central nervous system.

If mercury poisoning occurs, the patient must first completely get off the toxic items or environment. At the same time, use mercury discharge drugs as soon as possible to reduce the absorption of mercury, promote the discharge of mercury, and reduce the damage caused by poison.Symptomatic treatment.

Lai Yan said that some whitening products with "effectiveness" are likely to contain mercury, long -term use will endanger health, and consumers must not be blinded by a momentary advantage."I will never believe these 'Three Nothing' products in the future!" Ms. Li, who was being treated, said with emotion.At present, after standardized mercury treatment, her physical condition has improved significantly.

"One -shot thin face" causes women's facial paralysis, and the use of botulinum toxin must be mastered by the dose

In addition to "fast -acting whitening", "one shot thin face" and "quick loss" and other means are also weapons used by some bad businesses to deceive consumers.Lai Yan introduced that the Provincial Vocational Affairs Council has been diagnosed with patients with poisoning of "fat -burning chocolate" poisoning of "fat burning chocolate" in Xibuquming.Xibuquming can increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Adverse reactions include headache, dry mouth, anorexia, insomnia, constipation, hypertension, dizziness, etc., which can also cause nerve disorders, systemic damage, gastric and intestinal system damage, center of the center, centerAnd peripheral nervous system damage and even have other serious consequences.

In addition, injection of "botulinum toxin" is a beauty project that consumers prefer.According to reports, Ms. Zhang, 36, was maintained in a beauty salon in a foreign country. She chose her forehead to inject botulinum toxin to remove wrinkles. The left and right cheeks injected botox and thin face.It feels good, and it becomes the face of melon seeds, which has maintained this situation for about half a year.Half a year later, Ms. Zhang came to the beauty salon again and did the same three projects.Later, she felt that her right face was a bit swollen, her mouth was a bit closed during eating, and the food residue would leak out from the corner of the right mouth.Not only that, Ms. Zhang's right eye was dry and astringent, and she found that the right eyelid could not be closed in a mirror.When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor found that her right mouth was skewed and could not close her mouth; the right eye could not be closed and red; the right half face could not make any expression.After a series of examinations, Ms. Zhang was diagnosed with facial nerve palsy, commonly known as facial paralysis, which was caused by nerve unexpected use caused by chemicals.

Coincidentally, on November 2, 2022, the Nanjing Health and Supervision Department received a report from a woman, saying that she wanted to lose her face. After injection of "botulinum toxin", the samples appeared on their faces, which was almost disfigured.Unexpectedly, the woman was actually completed on a private car.The operator does not have a physician qualification certificate and a physician practice certificate, and the medicines used are unknown.

In fact, the main component of botulinum toxic needle is botulinum toxin, that is, Botox toxin. This is the toxic protein secreted by Botox in the process of reproduction.People have symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty breathing, and muscle fatigue.In 1986, an ophthalmology professor in Canada discovered that botulinum toxin disappeared the wrinkles of the patient's eyes.Since then, the plastic surgery industry has expanded its functions to lose face, plastic calf, etc., mainly to block the "information transmission" between nerves and muscles through botulinum toxin, and relax the excessive shrinking muscles, and wrinkles disappear then disappear.Essence

Lai Yan reminded that a "dose" barrier between drugs and poisons is separated by a layer of "dose". Even if it is botulinum toxin, as long as it is used in the safe dose range, it will not cause damage to the human body.However, the face anatomy of the human body is complicated, and the injection requirements for botulinum toxin are high.Once you do not find the right position, inaccurate dose, the speed of infusion is too fast, or the injection of unknown drugs may induce patients with facial paralysis.

Medical cosmetic services are medical activities, choose regular institutions

In recent years, "awl face" and "chopstick legs" on major online platforms affect the public's aesthetics, and some young people have fallen into their appearance and figure anxiety.In order to become younger and more beautiful, after becoming a skin care and makeup, many people's minds of "beauty change", such as dry skin and light, facial depression filling hyaluronic acid.

Medicine beauty is the abbreviation of "medical beauty". Compared with ordinary life beauty, medical beauty is "traumatic" and "invasiveness".According to relevant state regulations, if medical beauty projects are provided, institutions must hang medical institution's practice permits in a prominent position; if general anesthesia surgery is performed, the "Anesthesiology Department" is required to be approved in the practice permit for medical institutions.

This year, 11 departments including the State Administration of Market Supervision, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, and the National Health and Health Commission jointly issued the guidance on further strengthening the supervision of the medical beauty industry.Laws and regulations of the industry access for health and health.

"The heart of beauty is understandable, but it is very important to choose a regular medical and beauty institution, so as to ensure the effect and safety of the surgery." Lai Yan reminded everyone that you need to be cautious to identify the qualifications of the institution before doing medical beauty.Choose an institution without qualifications.In particular, it should be noted that regular medical aesthetic institutions should hold a medical institution license or "clinic filing voucher" issued by the health administrative department in order to carry out medical beauty services.In the process of receiving medical beauty, pay attention to preserving good medical records, receipts, transfers, etc., so that the dispute can only be better repaired.