"The more you see, the more you know how backward you are" telling people that opening in a sense is the direct guidance of promoting reform, the actual results of openness, that is, the results of the disadvantages formed by the reform system and mechanism.It will also produce a double effect of promoting reform, and further stimulates the momentum of opening up.

China's reform and opening up began in 1978 for 45 years.If you make comparison in the past, I am afraid that the most optimistic prophet at that time may not have thought of the huge changes in China in 45 years, let alone this change brings the impact of the world.Regarding the reasons for these changes, there are no shortage of discussions and research in China and abroad, and there are not a few conclusions that can be available.But one of the most important reasons that affects the development of China in 45 years, the author thinks that the word "open" is the word.

On November 12, 1978, only 36 days left at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Mainland Government, which decided to reform, and Deng Xiaoping, chief designer of China's reform and opening up, visited Singapore.During the dinner held by the Presidential Palace, the then Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Deng Xiaoping had a talked about.At that time, Deng Xiaoping, who was intended to reform and opening up in the eyes of "Heng Heng", was the most attractive to China was the experience of opening up and attracting foreign investment in Singapore.Li Guangyao later commented that Deng Xiaoping "Singapore, which was seen in 1978, provided a reference standard for the most basic achievements that Chinese people wanted to win."(China -Singapore cooperation, logic behind beautiful transcripts, Chinese government network)

Undoubtedly, the development experience in Singapore has left a very deep impression on Deng Xiaoping, and even let him have some "Singapore complex", so that in the "Southern Talk" more than ten years later, it is repeated.It is mentioned that you need to learn from Singapore's experience.

Is there any secret weapon that can make Deng Xiaoping produce a "complex"?The answer should be: open, or open to the outside world.When Singapore was independent, the economic pillar was a re -export trade, with a total population of 2 million, and the per capita GDP (GDP) was only $ 400 or five hundred, which was better than that in the 1970s when China opened the reform and opening up of nearly 200 US dollars.many.However, Lee Kuan Yew and his team chose to embrace the world with an open mind. By opening up the introduction of funds, technology, talents, markets, and management, it created the "Singapore model" of the world's attention.

How big is Singapore's stimulus to Deng Xiaoping

The development of Singapore has stimulated Deng Xiaoping. It has been confirmed in the Journal of the 3rd Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Mainland Government more than 30 days later: "Efforts to adopt world advanced technology and advanced equipment" and other expressionsForeign capital, expanding exports, and introduction of advanced technology and management experience have been established.In the following days, the correlation between Singapore and China's reform and opening up is more closely related, and the acceleration role of opening up and the development of China has also become more prominent.This should be an important reason why Li Guangyao was awarded the "China Reform Friendship Award" at the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up in China.

In 45 years, "reform and opening up" has become a certain fixed match in Chinese discourse or text, which indicates the mutual promotion relationship between "openness" and "reform": reform promotes openness, open promotion to reform;Opening and opening up are also reform.However, it is not difficult to find out the 45 -year development analysis. The interpretation trajectory of the logical relationship between "openness" and "reform" seems to be slightly different from the "reform and opening up" sequence of "reform and opening up".The discovery of the disadvantages is the result of comparison with advanced, and the open environment is a prerequisite for comparison.

The logical trajectory of "Open -Comparison -Discovery Facility -Reform" shows that openness has triggered reforms, reforms to promote openness, or use "open reform" to express this development.This is just like a woman's face mirror. As long as she is not compared with a woman other than herself, the territory of the frog at the bottom of the well will make her deheistic as the beauty of the world.It's not wrong, but in the closed environment. The so -called comparison is not different.

The first batch of international students to reach the United States is of great significance

This is the fact.In 1978 when Deng Xiaoping visited Singapore, from January to February of the year, in addition to Singapore, he also visited Japan, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia and the United States.During the same period, 12 deputy prime ministers in China led about 20 visits and visited a total of 51 countries.In the summary of such a large -scale inspection, Deng Xiaoping thoroughly stated: "Recently, our comrades went abroad to see. The more you see, the more you know how backward he is." (Huang Lizhi: Two "see the world", To make China's door open, Jiefang Daily [Shanghai] December 12, 2018) pointed out that China's "gap between the world is widening."

In 1978, the first batch of 52 mainland Chinese students studying in the United States after the founding of New China arrived at the United States at the end of the year.Not only does this symbolic incident persuasive to China's open policy, it may be difficult to estimate.However, the seven of them later became academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and won the first, second, and third prizes of Chinese scientific and technological progress. 80%of those who taught or engaged in scientific research at universities have become records of well -known experts or academic coffees.Just like the role of opening up to China, how to estimate is not too much.

"The more you see, the more you know how backward you are" telling people that opening in a sense is the direct guidance of advancing reform.Promote the multiplication effect of reform, and further stimulate the momentum of expanding opening up.In 45 years, China is in such a "double increase". From a closed semi -closed to the public, the vibrant market economy replaces a highly concentrated plan economy, and then builds a new China, which also affects the entire world.

History is a mirror, and the mirror is also beautiful.After 45 years, those who can learn from it and get inspiration from it seem to be not only in China.From a distance, Marx and Engels, which have been caught in capitalist, have not prejudiced in their shocking Communist Declarations that socialization, globalization, or opening up, so that capitalism can "in it in itThe productive forces created in less than 100 years of class rule are more productive for all the productivity created in all times in the past. "Recently, since World War II, or for the 45 years of opening up China to the outside world, the world has enjoyed mutual open dividends. Doesn't it also have the effect of "more productivity created in all times in the past, is it bigger and bigger?"Intersection

Unfortunately, in the past 45 years, the tide of globalization and opening up was in the world after the economic crisis began in 2008, accompanied by trade protectionism, and the rendering of "decoupled" and "deductiveness"."In today's, there is a little abstract and greater taste, and the actual behavior of the open flag of the open flag is actually in some places and some people's hearts.In such an environment, carefully pondering the development path and changes of China's openness to the outside world, it should have inspirational value for the development and the way of getting along with each country.

In early 1979, Deng Xiaoping flew to the Vietnam of the Pacific to visit the United States. Li Guangyao made such an evaluation: "I am afraid that the door to open China's openness will never be closed." This sentence shows that Lee Kuan Yew's vision of the world is indeed beyond ordinary people.In addition to the 45 -year development of China in the world, the world needs to have some in -depth thinking about the open door of "no longer closed": when countries around the world have already enjoyed the benefits of opening up, knowing that it is already inevitable and inevitable,How can the door that has been opened?This is the case for China and the world.

The author is a professor at the School of Administration of Shanxi