Henry Kissinger, a well -known American diplomat, international political theorist, Nobel Peace Prize (not controversial), just spent his 100th birthday on May 27 this year.

He is a practitioner of realist diplomacy and is recognized as a master of real political power balance. The most talked about is the multiple secret diplomacy during his post -office position -especially the secret visit to China in 1971, which has promoted the contributionU.S. President Nixon's "Ice Breaking Journey" in 1972.However, this legendary legend is also difficult to escape the destruction of the years. Now it is an old dragon bell, bent over the back of the bow, not good at walking.But from the recent interviews with many media, his mind is still extremely keen, and his thinking is still rigorous and meticulous.

Kissinger, who has been in the years, does not want to enjoy his old age, because he is unable to settle down, and he is worried about the current World Bureau.

In early May, the British Economist Weekly had a conversation with him for more than eight hours. According to the interview content published on May 17th, Kissinger focused on: "Human destinyDepending on whether the United States and China can get along peacefully, the two countries have embarked on the road of conflict. "He believes that the two sides should regard" calm diplomacy "as the only way to prevent devastating conflicts, and try to relieve it with more cautious words to alleviateThe tight situation in the Taiwan Strait and the establishment of a consulting team laid the foundation for the meeting between the leaders of China and the United States.He also believes that artificial intelligence, a subversive potential technology, may become a key factor affecting global security within five years. The two sides need to communicate with each other on the influence of technology and take a small step towards military reserve control.

Sino -US relations "Standing on the edge of the cliff"

On May 26, the Wall Street Journal also issued an interview with Kissinger.He pointed out that the United States always has a "self -righteousness" style of acting in foreign policy, but China and other countries do not buy it.He believes that China is seeking "security" rather than wanting to rule the world. In order to avoid military conflicts with China, the United States needs to restrain blind confrontation and seek dialogue.He said that the past two presidents in the United States want to force China to make concessions, which is quite wrong.

Bloomberg issued an interview for Kissinger for more than an hour on June 16.In the interview, he could not hide his concerns about Sino -US relations, and believed that the two countries "the top of a precipice" may occur, which may occur.step.

However, although he was still valued by major media, he made an exclusive interview with him when he was a centenarium, but the American politics he wanted to affect him ignored him.On July 9, 2022, he said in an interview with the New York Post that since the Nixon era, the president of the United States will invite him to the White House, but he has only Biden.

This is not surprising. In the current infinite outline of the two parties in the United States, in the future, who is more reversed in the future.Who dares to respond?

The interview with the economist on May 17 said that there is no living person in the world who has the experience of richer Bikinggone to deal with international affairs -from a scholar who studies the 19th -century diplomacy toAs a national security consultant, a Secretary of State, and even the past 46 years as a consultant and special envoy of the royal family, president and prime minister and the special envoys.

Yes, people who are still alive and accumulate for so many years of international affairs practice experience, "who gives me me"?At this moment, Kissinger stood at the peak and looked around, presumably a sense of loneliness and loneliness.

At this time, would he miss the old friend of his same age with him?Does he hope to talk about the world with this strategic family who also pursues "the balance between real political power"?

Unfortunately, Li Guangyao, the founding of Singapore, who has been cooking together for decades, has left this disturbing world eight years ago.

I think he will.Kissinger's admiration and respect for Li Guangyao's admiration and respect are well known. On the day of the death of this Zhijiao on March 23, 2015, he published a touching essay on the Washington Post.Kuan Ye), I miss my old friend so much: "Li Guangyao is a great man. He is a close private friend. I think this is one of the biggest luck in my life. A world that must have order from the initial chaos will be.Miss his leadership ability. "

The two of them met when Li Guangyao visited Harvard University in 1967, and has opened up close exchanges for nearly half a century since then."For more than 45 years, Li Guangyao met with me at the international conference, research team, and board meeting. He also had a separate dialogue and a guest to the other party's house. We have seen hundreds of times ... He has not persuaded.Molecular, he is a pilgrimage pursuing world order and responsible leadership capabilities. He understands China's correlation and China's huge potential, and he often enlighten this to the world. But in the end, he insisted that without the United States, the world will be the world.Can't achieve stability. "

Highly praise Lee Kuan Yew

His evaluation of Lee Kuan Yew is very high: "With the death of decades, seeing that Li Guangyao as a mentor as a global strategic order (in reality, it is just a mayor of a medium -sized city) jumped to the international stage.What is moving is also inspiring. Li Guangyao's visit to Washington is a national incident in the United States. The conversation between the president and him is almost natural. The important members of the cabinet and the Congress want to talk to him.Singapore's country issues. Lee Kuan Yew is rarely for the aid lobbying decision makers. His theme is the indispensable contribution of the United States for the guarantee of the peaceful world and economic growth.In our time, the real and profound global thinkers learn. "From this essay, it is clearly seen that Kissinger has a high degree of recognition of Lee Kuan Yew's world view and the China -US balance view. Although both of them start from their national interestsEssence

In addition to publishing mournings, Kissinger also came to Singapore on March 28 to hang Lee Guangyao at the Congress Building and said goodbye to this old friend.

In 2013, two years before Lee Kuan Yew's death, he was the book of another famous Harvard Professor Graham Allison and others.Master's Insights On China, The United States and the World.In the preface, he highly praised Lee Kuan Yew, saying that his wisdom was unacceptable: "For a long time, Li Guangyao is an indispensable friend in the United States, mainly because he represents the power he represented, but because of his extraordinary thinking. His thinking. His thinking. His thinking. His thinking. His thinking. His thinking. His thinking.The analysis is very good and deep, so that the leaders of other countries think that meeting with him is a way to accept inspiration. In the past three generations, Li Guangyao visited Washington every time, and there were always a large number of people waiting to see him., Include senior leaders in the US government and diplomatic fields. His seminar is always filled with a rare and frank atmosphere. He has high virtue and experience.Benefit. In addition, Lee Kuan Yew can also tell us the essence of this world, and his opinion on the Asia -Pacific region is particularly profound. Lee Kuan Yew's analysis helps the United States to respond to the most serious challenge facing in the long run, that is, how to do with Asia (including China, including China (including China (including China) Establish a solid and systematic relationship. For the nature and scope of this work, Lee Kuan Yew's revelation gives us unattended. However, as explained in this book, Li Guangyao's wisdom is not limitedIn Sino -US relations, it also includes almost every pick in international relationswar.Li Guangyao is not just an excellent leader in our time. He is also recognized as a thinker with his strong strategic insight. Readers read this book soon."(Translation quotes from China News Network)

In 2022, Kissinger, who was 99 years old, published a new book leadership: six research (Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy), analyzing six world leaders, of whichIncluding Lee Kuan Yew.

There is a chapter in the book specifically discussed Li Guangyao's deep attention to geopolitics, especially Sino -US relations that are increasingly intense.Li Huiling, president of the Chinese Media Group of the New Newspaper Media, said in a article entitled by the Lianhe Zaobao's article on July 23 last year, in the article entitled Kissinger's writing article.Kissinger believes that Lee Kuan Yew talked about China and the United States 'unshengimental' (without emotional colors), but in 1993, Lee Kuan Yew has predicted that the impact of China's balance of world strength has madeSeeking a new balance. Lee Kuan Yew believes that China is not just a 'another powerful country', but will be 'the biggest participant in human history'. Using Li Guangyao's original words, it is urged to invite the United States not to take China as an enemy at the beginning.It should be allowed to integrate into the international community, accepting 'China as a strong and rising country', and it deserves 'there is also a place in the board' (a seat in the boardroom, that is, it can also be exerted in important decisions). " According to China's economic observation, Kissinger also mentioned the suggestions of Lee Kuan Yew to China and the United States in the book.One of the suggestions for China is to learn to be a big country; it is inevitable that China becomes a big country. What kind of big country China chooses to be to do is deeply considerate.One of the suggestions for the United States is that the United States needs to make a good preparation with a big country that is much stronger than the former Soviet Union -China -coexist.In the eyes of Kissinger, Li Guangyao's unsatisfactory life is to pursue global order, because this order is the guarantee of Singapore's survival and development, and such order and rules will not be achieved without the balance between big powers.

Kissinger and Lee Kuan Yew are regarded as "old friends" by China. Kissinger has traveled nearly 100 times in China and the United States for more than 50 years. Li Guangyao also visited China 33 times in frontIt's recognized as "China Tong".

The two important common opinions of these two "China Tong" on Sino -US relations are that the rise of China is inevitable, and China and the United States cannot conflict.They have repeatedly issued this solemn warning on different international occasions and played some role.

Unfortunately, after Lee Kuan Yew left, Kissinger had been lonely.In particular, Sino -US relations have turned sharply, and the political atmosphere of the United States cannot tolerate this dusk morning bell -style warning.Even if the two of them have a double sword, I am afraid that they will not be able to turn the tide, let alone Kissinger is alone and staggers to say!

Kissinger's "hundred -year loneliness" feeling at this moment is not difficult to imagine.

The author is the former editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post