Source: Voice of the United States

Author: Anhai

Analysts said that Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh conducted a four -day visit to Beijing. It coincided with the US aircraft carrier arrived in Vietnam on June example.

USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier arrived at Puggle Port Vietnam on June 25th to visit the five -day port in accordance with the plan. This is the third visit to Vietnam since 2018 since 2018.Essence

On the same day, Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng invited the Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang to arrive in Beijing for a formal visit.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a welcome statement, "China regards Vietnam as a priority direction for surrounding diplomacy."

On the same day, according to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Pei Qingshan, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pei Qingshan, who accompanied Fan Mingzheng, told Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang that Vietnam will treat China as a top priority.Development and growth.

The only naval aircraft carrier in the United States in India-Pacific, this visit to Vietnam is a striking development of the United States and Vietnam relations.

According to the official Xinhua News Agency of China, on Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Fan Mingzheng and said that the two countries were "friends who knew each other."Cooperation.

Wilson Center Asian project researcher Plaoshanth Parameswaran said: "On the occasion of aircraft carriers, Hanoi faced the increasingly powerful challenges of China in the South China Sea.And Washington continues to promote the level of raising relations between the two countries to the level of strategic partnership. "

common concern to China

The United States and Vietnam are the tenth anniversary of the comprehensive partnership. The trade relations between the two countries have become increasingly close, and they have similar concern to China's growing strength in the region.

The US State Department spokesman said in an email sent to Voice of America (VOA) this week: "This visit marks the special moment of our two countries to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the comprehensive partnership of the United States and Vietnam, showing our prosperity and securityCommon commitment in the future. "

Saigon, which marked the defeated Saigon in the defeated American allies, the United States resumed diplomatic relations with Vietnam in 1995 in 1995, marking the failure of the US allies South Vietnam.Saigon is now Ho Chi Minh City.

"We are glad to come to Vietnam and thank our aircraft carrier for the welcome group," said Major General Pat Hannifin in his press release on June 25.

"This interview has strengthened our partnership and promises to deal with the common challenges of the marine field. They also provided our sailor with an excellent opportunity to contact the Vietnamese people and culture," he said.

The official English Daily Vietnam News reported that the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman PH? M Thu Hang said that the visit of the Ronald Ridan aircraft carrier was scheduled to be ended on June 30th.This is a "normal communication", which aims to "contribute to the peace, stability, cooperation and development of regional and worlds."

On June 26, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning answered the reporter's question on the US aircraft carrier visit.

She said: "I hope that the development of the relationship between the country and the cooperation between exchanges and cooperation can help promote the peace and stability and prosperity of the region."

Agree with differences in control

According to the Chinese official Global Times English report, Monday, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang and Fan Mingzheng agreed that Beijing and Hanoi should control the differences in the South China Sea dispute.Vietnam is one of the countries where the region has raised the sovereignty's sovereignty of China.

On Tuesday, the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu met Phan Van Giang, the Minister of Defense of Vietnam.

According to Reuters, Li Shangfu said during the meeting that China was willing to strengthen the high -level interaction and cooperation with the Vietnam Army.

According to the Global Times, Pan Wenjiang told Li Shangfu that the Vietnamese army is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation with Beijing in politics, border defense, and personnel training.

"Bamboo Diplomacy"

Analysts said that it is not a coincidence that Vietnamese officials visit China and US aircraft carriers to visit Vietnam, and added that this was carefully planned by Hanoi. These two interviews proved the so -called "bamboo foreign policy" of Vietnam's balanced competition.

The word was created by the Vietnamese Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen PHU TRONG.According to the official Yueyan report, it describes Hanoi's "unique and special foreign policy of independence, self -reliance, flexibility and diversification of relations."

Raymond Powell, the director of the South China Sea "Miao Hand Project" of Stanford University, said in an interview with VOA on telephone calls, "Obviously, China will be unhappy when U.S. aircraft carriers visit Vietnam."He mentioned that the Chinese scientific examination vessels have recently entered the Vietnam exclusive economic zone.

"" Seeing the third visit to Vietnam for the third time U.S. aircraft carrier -I think this is a very active step -this is obviously for Vietnam. Allowing U.S. aircraft carriers to visit a lot of coordination and political will, "Powell said.

On June 26, when the aircraft carrier was asked about Vietnam, a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning told AFP at a routine press conference that "I hope that the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the country and the cooperation between exchanges and cooperation will beIt is conducive to promoting the peace and stability and prosperity of the region. "

On June 20, when she talked about Fan Ming's visit to China at a routine press conference, "Vietnam is a neighbor of socialism in China ... I believe this visit will further consolidate the good development momentum of China -Vietnam relations.Promote the comprehensive strategic cooperation between the two countries. "