Since the Chinese real estate giant Evergrande's "Thunder" last year, the problem of tight housing companies' funds is becoming increasingly severe.Recently, there have been recent incidents of real estate projects due to the breakdown of the developer's capital chain. Some owners of the rotten tail buildings are unwilling to swallow their voices, risked by might lose the risk of houses and personal credit, and use collective loans to developers and developers and developers and developers and developers and developers and developers and developers and developers.Banks pressure to safeguard their own rights and interests.

Ms. Li (42 years old, cleaner) in Zhengzhou purchased a 40 -square -meter apartment -time house in the outskirts of Zhengzhou in June 2020.The down payment for the house was 165,000 yuan (RMB, the same, about 33,000 yuan), and a monthly loan was 1,800 yuan, and it was paid off in 10 years.

I thought it would be able to move into a new house on March 30 this year, but I did not expect that the developer did not pay the house according to the contract, and the construction site that had been stopped for half a year has not moved.

"When can the building be capped, ask anyone if you don't know, and there is no place to complain."

Ms. Li is difficult to hide anxiety during the telegram of the United Zard.She said: "The house can't be obtained, but the monthly mortgage, we dare not pay less."

Since the "Thunder" of China's real estate giant Evergrande last year, the tension of housing companies' capital chain has become increasingly severe.Recently, there have been recent incidents of real estate projects due to the breakdown of real estate projects due to the broken capital chain. Some owners of rotten tail buildings like Ms. Li are reluctant to swallow their voices and risk losing the risk of houses and personal credit.Methods to pressure developers and banks to safeguard their own rights.

In June this year, the central city of China, Jiangxi Jingdezhen, launched the "first shot of loan".According to the "Summary of the Disclosure Notice of Rotten Terra Building in various provinces and cities across the country" based on the public information, as of the 21st of this month, the rapid spread of loan suspension has affected 26 provinces and cities including first -tier cities including Beishang, Guangzhou and ShenzhenThe 319 real estate involved as high as trillions of funds.

The 2022 National Rotten Building Report released by the Institute of Institute of Institute of Institute showed that as of the 16th of this month, there were at least 271 notifications of suspension of loan in various parts of China.In Henan, which has a serious problem of rotten buildings, there are as many as 54 rotten real estate that were suspended by the owner, and ranked first in all provinces and cities; followed by Hunan and Hubei, there were 27 and 26 projects.

Although the developer cannot deliver the new house on time, Ms. Li has not yet joined the ranks of the owner of the loan, and still pays the loan on time every month.She explained that her son is preparing to apply for the police school. If the loan is stopped, the family may be labeled "Lao Lai", affecting the son's future.

In the rotten tail incident, as the most vulnerable group in China's real estate chain, it is not easy to maintain its legal interests.

Ms. Li said that when she and more than 200 victims of bad tail buildings discussed the development of the sales office for the first time, they played a slogan banner such as "developers' inaction, returning me to hard -earned money".The "gathering public troubles" alarm, and the rights protection operation is forced to terminate.

After being warned by the relevant departments, the owner had to adopt a gentle way to defend the rights: they put on a red T -shirt with a unified system printed with "a certain developer" and "early resumption of work" to try to re -work with developers as soon as possible.

However, no matter what the owner adopts rights to defend his rights, developers have never promised the date of delivery.Ms. Li and other owners of rights protection are worried that the resumption of work this year may be far away, because "Zhengzhou has released the autumn and winter haze to stop work, which may become a reason for developers to delay the resumption of work."

If you pay the money but can't get the house, it is not just the owner of the bad tail building.Also caught up with the dilemma of buying a house, Ms. Wu (29 years old, private enterprise employees) who had to take the road of rights protection was to be on the road of right.

Ms. Wu, who was unable to buy a house in Beijing last March, took out almost all savings and subscribed for a set of existing houses of about 90 square meters in Gu'an County, Gu'an County, Hebei, 70 kilometers from Beijing.

Waiting for her two months after she put the 200,000 -headed payment to the developer's account, she learned that she could not sign a housing contract online.The sales staff told her that because the price was lower than the filing price, the Housing Management Bureau did not allow housing transactions.Ms. Wu, who can't look back on payment, can't live in a new house, and her housing scam can only protect their rights with more than 100 home buyers.They have found institutions such as the Housing Management Bureau, the Letters and Calls Office, but they have no solution.

Ms. Wu said helplessly: "I don't have the power to ask a lawyer to defend the lawsuit, and I don't know how to fight a lawsuit. There is only a receipt given by a sales office and bank transfer."

China's economic growth is weak, coupled with the official high -pressure regulation of the real estate market, and sacrificing the "three red lines" to control the debt ratio of real estate companies, the Chinese property market is falling into a rare trough for many years.Regardless of the suspension of loan in the bad tail building, or recently emerging real estate disputes related to developers have emerged, it has nothing to do with the breaking of the developer's capital chain, and buyers have become the buried order of the debt crisis of the housing company.

After the tide of loan suspension of the rotten tail, the China Banking Regulatory Commission urged banks to "assume social responsibility" on the 17th of this month, and tried every effort to promote the "insurance delivery building".In Zhengzhou, which has the most affected by the suspension of the storm, local state -owned enterprises intend to jointly join forces to set up real estate bailout funds to solve the suspension and rotten problems of some real estate.

According to the First Financial Network, in nearly 10 cities including Ningbo, Xianyang, Suining, Gongyi, Luoyang, Zhumadian, Pingdingshan, Mianyang, etc., the local government recently interviewed housing companies to understand the problem of the resumption of work in the real estate;One -to -one help "" one -plate and one policy "and other solutions help the risk resolution of the real estate.

Under the official "insurance delivery building" measures, can the crisis of rotten buildings be used to end the crisis and other crises?

Yi Xianrong, Dean of the Qingdao University Institute of Wealth Management, believes that the regulatory agency is "very uncertain" in the rescue effect of the rotten tail incident.In the interview, he said: "'Insure the intersection', it is necessary to take out the funds to fill in the cave, and where the money is not clear."

He also pointed out that the rotten tail incident will further crack down on the real estate market and make the Chinese people dare not buy a house easily.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the Think Tank Center of the Easy House Research Institute, is more optimistic about the impact of the rotten tail event.He told Lianhe Morning Post that the fundamental reason for the suspension of loans is that the recovery of the housing sales market was poor. Last year, the housing companies with tirit debt did not fundamentally alleviate capital pressure and promote business development. The direct reason was that the construction rhythm was slow, resulting in the disappointment of home buyers.Anxiety and anger, and then take countermeasures.

He believes that with the adjustment of the housing purchase policy in the second half of the year, the sales market will have a good possibility. "As long as you resume work around August, it is expected to turn well."