It is concerned that the missiles not only cross Japan, but also the Guandao base where the range of the US military's main strategic materials can be gathered.Guam is more than 3,500 kilometers away from the Korean Peninsula, that is, as long as the launch direction is tuned to the south, it can crack down on Guam.

North Korea tested the missile again on Tuesday (October 4), and the missiles over Japan over Japan. This is the first time since 2017, which has caused regional tensions to rise to the level that has not been seen at most years.South Korea has strongly condemned North Korea to destroy international peace and stability. Japan proposed a righteous protest to North Korea. The United States and South Korea immediately sent fighters to launch a precise bombing exercise.

North Korea has carried out the most dense missile test since Kim Jong -un served as the highest leader since the end of September. He launched a medium -to -long -range ballistic missile outside the eastern shore of the Korean Peninsula on Tuesday, which is the fifth degree within 10 days.

According to the United Staff headquarters in Korea, North Korea launched a mid -to -long -range ballistic missile from the Eripi area of Cijiang Road at 7:23 am on Tuesday. It has a range of more than 4,600 kilometers.The missile flight speed reached 17 Mach, with a maximum flight height of more than 970 kilometers.This height is more than twice that of the height (400 kilometers) of the international space station.

It is not only the missiles that are not only crossing Japan.Guam is more than 3,500 kilometers away from the Korean Peninsula, that is, as long as the launch direction is tuned to the south, it can crack down on Guam.

Han and American dispatch fighters to launch military exercises

North Korea's move has brought the tension in East Asia.South Korea ’s joint staff headquarters announced that in response to North Korea’ s launch of missiles, South Korea and the United States immediately dispatched eight F-15K and F-16 fighters to launch accurate bombing exercises in the Yellow Sea.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue said: "This reckless nuclear provocation in North Korea will face the resolute response from the allies and the international community led by the Korean army."

The White House in the United States announced that national security adviser Sha Liewen has talked to South Korean officials with Japanese officials to discuss countermeasures.The National Security Council issued a statement saying that in the two conference calls, the national security consultants of the United States, Japan and South Korea negotiated how appropriate and strong joint operations should be taken.Sarawin also reiterated the United States' firm commitment to defending Japan and South Korea.

Japanese media quoted government sources reported that US President Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tamachi will talk about the latest situation later on Tuesday.


The U.S. Indo -Pacific Command also issued a statement to condemn the North Korea ’s test -to -air missiles and call on North Korea not to adopt“ further illegal and destruction of stability ”.

According to Reuters, the United States will ask the United Nations Security Council to hold a meeting on North Korea on Wednesday.However, the diplomat interviewed believes that the Security Council is unlikely to take any meaningful actions.

Liu Chengye, a research member of the 21st Century Military Research Institute of South Korea, believes that the purpose of this launch is to test the combat effectiveness of future intercontinental ballistic missiles, and North Korea is very likely to continue to provoke.

The analysis of the Korean JTBC TV news pointed out that after the US Bynden government came to power, the North Korean issue was excluded from the priority agenda. In order to force the United States to pay attention to the US attention and raise the value of negotiation, North Korea has recently adopted a densely provocative strategy.If the United States does not take response measures, North Korea may further increase provocation, and conduct seventh nuclear tests or launch intercontinental missiles at the end of this month.

According to the South Korean military, North Korea has found signs of preparing to launch a submarine missile in Xinpu Base in Xianjing South Road. It is expected that it can be launched as soon as this week.