(Washington / Beijing Comprehensive News) The US media quoted sources as saying that before the US House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan, Chinese officials had conveyed information that should not erupt in the crisis of comprehensive crisis in a call with US President Biden.

Perlus's strict word in Beijing warned, 19 hours of lightning visits to Taiwan from August 2nd to 3rd.Before Perosi, the leaders of China and the United States conducted more than two hours of calls around the issues such as Taiwan on July 28.

The Wall Street Journal quoted sources as saying that Chinese officials warned Biden on the consequences of Perosi's visit to Taiwan, but did not explain what the consequences were; he also showed that he had no intention of fighting with the United States and said that both sides needed to "maintain peace peacefully"And security".

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, responded when he was asked and related discussions that in the call with Biden, "President Xi explained China's principled position on the Taiwan issue."

The announcement issued by the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency after the worship call shows that Chinese officials focus on the principle position of China on the Taiwan issue in the call.He emphasized that "resolutely opposing the split of the Taiwan independence and interference of external forces will never leave any space for any form of 'Taiwan independence' forces."

Chinese officials also stated: "It is the determined will to resolutely safeguarding China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity;

Bynden government officials said at the time that they had stated to Beijing that the United States followed the "one China" policy to support US -China relations for a long time, but members of Congress had the right to visit Taiwan.

After visiting Taiwan in Pelosi, Beijing has launched a large -scale "locking Taiwan" military exercise around Taiwan for many days around Taiwan, and announced the cancellation and suspension of the eight communication mechanisms of China and the United States in the fields of military, justice, climate change and other fields.Cooperation and sanctions on Perosi and its direct relatives.

People familiar with the matter say that Chinese leaders seek restraint responses, which must be strong, but will not arouse the upgrade response of the United States and its allies.

However, these actions have further tense relations between China and the United States, and triggers American allies to worry about security.The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Foreign Minister criticized Beijing in a statement last week to adopt an overwhelming reaction, "bringing the risk of intensifying tension and destroying the stability of the region."

Jude Blanchette, an expert at the China Strategic and International Research Center of Washington Strategy and International Issues Research Center, believes: "In the future, Beijing will respond to every movement of Taiwan ..."

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The Wall Street Journal also pointed out that Chinese foreign policy agencies have always been cautious when arranging contact between leaders, and they are worried that soon after bilateral exchanges, the other party will lose face once the opponent's violation of Beijing's interests.

People familiar with the matter said that Chinese officials finally decided to talk to Biden to try to minimize the risk of conflicting with the United States.

The Communist Party of China will hold the 20th National Congress in the fall of this year, and Chinese officials will start the third term.Sun Yun, director of the China Project of Washington Think Tank Stin Sheng Center, analyzed that China's official current first priority is stable.She said that so far, Beijing has shown great restraint, but this is a short -term strategy aimed at preventing out of control with the United States.

Chinese officials warned Bayeng on the consequences of Perlus's visit to Taiwan, but did not explain what the consequences; he also showed that he had no intention of fighting against the United States and said that both sides needed to maintain peace and security.

—— Wall Street Journal quoted sources