Anwar did not stabilize the army's heart to resist the green tide, but instead unite the government to fight in the nest.(Straits Times)

The six states elections in Malaysia are approaching step by step with the dissolution of the state parliament.Political Observer is curious that if Anwar leaders have not performed well in the united government, they lost five states in Jilandan, Dengjialou, Kedah, Selangor, Semilan, and Penang., Even the transfer of the central government?

This kind of concern is not worried.Let's take a look at the National Alliance Muyin step by step, and the left of the left countlessly in charge of the economic failure, and the people's water was deep.The referendum; the "green tide" of the Iraqi Party continued to spread the rumors of "replacement of the government" to disrupt the people's hearts.

On the other hand, Anwar did not stabilize the army's heart to resist the green tide, but instead united the government to fight for the nest.The UMNO youth regimental head of the Rockets (the People's Bank of China) apologized, and the surplus was rippling.Pan Jianwei, the propaganda director of the Rockets, described the BN as the "Corruption Alliance", which refers to the next election. If the Pakatan Harapan has the ability to get a simple majority in governance, it should throw away the Barisan Nasional (UMNO) the "corruption alliance".

Pan's remarks caused Umn's counterattack, and the Rocket leader was busy coming out of the fire.In any case, this is obviously the self -confidence of the two armies.

What do you think of the Anwar government in the workshop?The author tries to make a street visit and ask the current political chaos, who can stabilize the government and revitalize the economy?Their answer turned out to be Mahathir!Why is Mahathir?The respondent had business people, teachers, engineers, and housewives. They said in unison: "The era when Mahathir leads Malaysia is the best era. Unfortunately, he is 98 years old ..."

What about Anwar?Can he stabilize the political situation?They all frowned.

Such evaluations may be unfair to Anwar.Have you read the "10,000 hours law" mentioned by the writer Gradewell in the book?This law pointed out that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert or successful person in a certain field, which is five days a week, and it takes about five years (it is just a governance time of the Malaysian government)."10,000 hours of tempering is a necessary condition for anyone to become a world -class master. Bill Gates is an example, and Musk is also an example."

Anhua became the Prime Minister in just seven months, and she had to build a coffin to him: "The economy is not good, the MIT has fallen, the price is still high, the stock market is sluggish, and the trend of laugching policies will be forced step by step."It seems to be fair.

Is it "10,000 hours" to Anhua?Of course, the national alliance refuses!

Basically, Malaysian politics is the law of jungle.These Makiaviliist (Machiavellian (editor: refers to power and strategy), and admires "kindness to the enemy is cruel to themselves."Therefore, we see that Mahathir takes care of the interests of the party, intervene in justice, and use the internal security to put political opponents and disagreements into prison.Najib was corrupted, he appointed the Conscience Chief Prosecutor for his guilty, replaced the leader of the Anti -Corruption Association, and even was suspected of using assassination methods in the Mongolian girl case.What about Mu Yuding?The nickname "Back Gate Prime Minister" knows what means he used to take power.

The National League led by Muyudin, currently many leaders, including himself are suspected of corruption; and the financial party's finance he led is frozen, and of course he will not sit still.Perhaps the six states elections or the central government's change is his opportunity to get rid of the lawsuit.This is also the law of the jungle: "The winner is the king, the loser is the king."

The Law of the Jungle is willing to gamble or lose.The law of the jungle is for the purpose of achieving it.The laws of jungle even ignore public opinion and seize power by buying, planting stolen, and slandering.If Malaysia politics continues to be so "play", the future of the country is really worrying.

The author is a local writer