When people hotly discuss the international political reality and future with China's rise, few people realize that Japan's rise is also part of the Indo -Pacific political and economic pattern.It has been a period of time since the end of the Hiroshima Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit, and Japan's sense of existence on the international political stage is getting stronger and stronger.However, Japan is not what the general public thinks, but it is only today's use of the U.S. utilization.

Contemporary Japan is "congenital inadequate" in the field of traditional security. Because of the existence of peaceful constitutions, it is destined to be unable to compete with other major powers and strong powers at the level of hard power.The lack of hard power and the identity of the defeat of World War II made it difficult for Japan to have the right to speak and influence on the international stage.However, Japan did not give up the grand vision of the show.Soft power is a good tool.

The most typical means of soft power is to promote or create "concepts".In the 1990s, the "new concept of security" emerged in the world, claiming that people -oriented "human safety" once became a hot -selling policy concept.Although this concept is not Japanese original, but is attributed to Pakistan economist, international development theorist and politician Mahbub Ul-HAQ, but Japan has invested a lot of energy and financial resources for this, not only for a whileTaking "human security" as the core of foreign policies, donating funds of up to tens of billions of yen to the "UNA's Security Trust Fund", and strong respect for cooperation with non -governmental organizations and providing economic support.

The most representative event after the millennium is the proposal of Indo -Pacific concept."India" was first proposed by Karl Haushofer, a geopolitative politician, but it was indeed first introduced by Japan to introduce policy ideas.In 2007, when the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited India, he proposed that the era of "(Indo -Pacific) intersect" should jointly build a "free and prosperous" regional order.With the deterioration of Sino -US relations, this concept has gradually become keywords for foreign policies in Western countries such as the United States.

It is worth noting that Japan obviously does not mind that the United States replaces themselves and become the main promoter of this concept, and even willing to take the big tree to take good advantage.For example, the core mechanism of Indo -Pacific Strategy is the US, Japan, India, and Australian Sifang Security Dialogue (QUAD). This mechanism was originally led by Japan, but eventually became the strategic cornerstone of the United States in the region.However, this concept has been recognized and used by many countries and has become a major proof of Japanese soft power.

Another means to exhibit soft power in Japan is to participate in setting up the international agenda.Although the agenda of the G7 is not determined by Japan alone, the selection of Hiroshima has given the host of Japan a chance to reshape its international reputation.In the last century, the United States dropped the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, forcing Japan to surrender unconditionally, smashing the daydream of militarism, changed the fate of Japan, and the development of world politics.In 2023, Hiroshima, Japan, held an international conference claiming to be dedicated to peace and stability. At the meeting, it even discussed the threat of nuclear issues and the rise of China.

Japan's location of Hiroshima seems to be outward that world politics has come to a new turning point. This turning point is still in Japan, but today Japan is a positive image, which starts from the falling place and has become a world peace advocacy.In order to be maintained by regional order.Before the summit was held, Japan and South Korea reached a settlement, which seemed to be indicating that the same hatred of the world and that China and Japan could not reconcile were the problem of China.Therefore, the selection of Kyoko in Japan is not only to expand its political influence, but also attempts to use the prevalent "China threat theory" to get rid of its negative international image as an invader.

It is reported that Japan will also participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine in Ukraine. Prime Minister Kishida also actively expresses his willingness to visit China. It can be seen that the image of a peaceful messenger should be an important job of the Kishida government.Although Japan is not the number one opponent in China, the soft power in recent years has made it a force that cannot be ignored in the international community.How to deal with Sino -Japanese relations will also be a problem that China should not avoid the United States to curb and achieve the unity of cross -strait unification.