North Korea's first military reconnaissance satellites launched on May 31 ended in failure.North Korea ’s Central News Agency reported a statement issued by the State Cosmic Development Bureau that the reason for the failure was that the engine was launched abnormally and lost its advancement.In April 2012, it was also acknowledged that the failure of the launch of the Earth's observation satellite failed, which made people realize that it was aware of the failure that should be acknowledged. It was Kim Jong -un's approach to find out the reason.In fact, the Earth Observation Satellite was successfully launched in December of the same year.

However, this time it was very different from 11 years ago.North Korea ’s CCTV and Labor News, such as the domestic media, did not report failed to launch failure before June 19.Although under the guidance of Kim Jong -un, the launch preparation of military reconnaissance satellites is steadily carried out, but North Korean citizens do not know the fact of launch.From here, the failure of the satellite launch has made Kim Jong -un regime a lot of frustration.

In an article that failed to publish, "specific investigations and stating major defects, and adopting scientific and technological countermeasures to overcome this problem as soon as possible."Although it is difficult to predict the timing of re -launch, it can be seen from "after various experiments, as early as possible", and some efforts are required.

Kim Jong -un, at the end of the meeting of the Central Committee of the North Korean Labor Party held at the end of last year, had instructed the launch of reconnaissance satellites in the "shortest time".Although it is "the shortest", it was actually launched five months later.Satellite launch in developed countries like Japan also occasionally fail. In terms of cost, launching satellites must be cautious.

According to the "Five -Year Plan",

While improving the performance of the guides, North Korea has promoted the diversified development of weapons.Not only is the supersonic aircraft that is difficult to detect and discovered in advance, but also the timely challenging of the supersonic aircraft, as well as military equipment such as solid fuel that improves the mobility of missile launch by shortening the fuel injection time.Military reconnaissance satellites are also coveted.Of course, satellite launch technology can also be applied to the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch.

Even the satellites launched this time can be sent to the track to send image data to the ground, it is just a preliminary tool that is far from actual combat to ensure that high -quality cameras are indispensable.But fundamentally, in order to effectively monitor the movement of the enemy, multiple reconnaissance satellites are needed.Because of this, Kim Jong -un called this satellite as "No. 1", reflecting that it would take several years to make a strong willingness to improve.

Development of military reconnaissance satellites is to improve comprehensive military forces, but North Korea has a purpose, that is, developing the universe and promoting the country.Because of this, when Kim Jong -un inspected the National Universe Development Bureau and on May 16th, he guided the reserve of the reconnaissance satellite launch preparation committee, and he brought his daughter.In the case of very few reports about Kim Jong -un, the news about the development of reconnaissance satellites has been reported one after another. It can also be seen that the launch satellite is positioned as a national event.

This time North Korea seems to vent the frustration of failure.Regarding the International Maritime Organization (IMO) condemned the launch incident, the North Korean Central News Agency responded on June 4th that "IMO was completely politically manipulated" and said: "It can be regarded as the official indication of IMO.The position. "Although it seems to be implied in the future, it will not be announced in advance, but the identity of the commentator is just to hang the" international issue critic ", and the speaker lives in Japan.Do not adopt the form of formal statement, it should be mainly to express the dissatisfaction of North Korea.

On June 1st, North Korea officially spoke to the name of Sister Kim Jong -un, Kim Jong -un, in the form of refuting the form of satellite launch in the form of refuting the US National Security Conference (NSC): "This is a serious violation of Singapore's universe utilizationPower is inappropriately targeted. "Kim and Zheng gave a conversation again on the 4th to condemn the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting, claiming:" The United Nations Security Council said three things to exercise sovereignty rights in accordance with the wishes of the United States, so that the right to exercise sovereignty rights, ordered to order for the sovereignty rights and order to make the sovereignty.People are unhappy. "

These conversations have not been reported at all in North Korea.In order to make Kim Jong -un's authority developed by the command satellite, Kim Jong -un's authority is not harmed, and the Korean nationals who have fallen into economic difficulties explain that the failure of satellite launch failure may also need to be adjusted.

The author is a professor of Qingying Yiluo University