The new Singaporean presidential election is imminent. The folk people have divergent opinions, and some statements may have deviations, which is worthwhile to relive the significance of the presidential election.

This also has to talk about the election system in Singapore first, which is a parliamentary election for freedom and democracy.Singapore inherits the British Westminster Parliament System, and the party leaders with the most members of the State Council, the party's leader shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Prime Minister.The cabinet is the government's real power administrative agency, which is the state's full authority responsible for all economic, defense and diplomatic relations.

The President of Singapore is the head of state and does not belong to a cabinet member. It is an independent organ that does not participate in political activities or administrative and Congress.In addition to individuals who are highly respected citizens, the president also symbolizes the supreme dignity of the country, representing Singapore and AIA to maintain etiquette exchanges, and promote the cultural and economic exchanges between the people between Singapore and AIA.In China, the president approves all legislative regulations approved by Congress and the expenses and budgets of the cabinet departments, appointed judges and government agencies' main administrative chief executives, and promotes people's harmonious coexistence and charity activities.

In view of the evolving political ecology, Singapore has the courage to innovate. In addition to the reform of Congress, it also implemented the presidential system of the election in 1991.Before the four presidents of the constitutional amendment, Yusov, Xue Ers, Tiffana, and Jinhui were selected by the Presidential Counseling of the Constitution, and then the president appointed by the Congress for six years.

The significance of the constitutional amendment in 1991 is to formally allow the president's power to obtain the direct commission of the people. It has the right to veto the government's requirements for the use of national reserve emergency response before rejection of the government.The facilities or other potential political intentions damage the long -term benefits of the country and the people.Four presidents after the constitution, Wang Dingchang, Nadan, Chen Qingyan, and Halima are the presidents of the election system. Among them, only Wang Dingchang and Chen Qingyan voted from the people.Elected automatically.

The responsibility of the election president is lofty and great. In addition to the hopes, you must also have the profound knowledge of financial management, the independent logical dialectical thinking ability, the potential of analysis and accurate judgment, the unswerving domestic political pressure, the good words of good wordsAnd with the resilience of being affected by external political impact.

The role played by the President of Singapore is completely different from the direct election of presidents under other republic systems, such as US President, French President, Indonesian President, and so on.They are based on political parties and are the executives of the country's real power government agencies.

This shows that it is also a national voting election. In the Singapore election, the government's members of the government and the president of the head of state have very different purposes and significance.Published another political voice outside Congress for the people to check the government's policies and work.

In view of this, nationals who intend to participate in the presidential campaign must first pass the appraisal and review of the presidential election committee. Only citizens who meet specific qualifications can officially nominate the presidential election candidate.The necessity and importance of the Singapore Presidential Election Commission are unquestionable. The committee must not be relaxed in the task of performing qualified nominations, so as to avoid the kind of melee situation of the presidential election of the presidential presidential presidential election under the presidential election.

Although Singapore has many citizens who are qualified for presidential candidates, there are very few people who stand up, so that there are two candidates who have no competitive presidential elections.In this case, according to the Westminster Congress system, no competitors are automatically elected.This year's presidential candidate Shang Daman publicly stated that he hopes that qualified candidates can come out to run, and the candidates for opponents will make the winners more credible for the whole people.

The automatic election of the opponent's automatic election is tantamount to the selection system of the presidential consultant committee before the constitutional amendment, and it is suspected of deviating from the original intention of the constitutional amendment in 1991.Perhaps the presidential election committee can consider that without competitors, they should also hold votes for the people, so that candidates must also seriously convey his philosophy to the people, explain why he is suitable for presidents and strive to fight for the people.

The author is a specialist and a clinical professor