Local engineer Xie Muze's improvement of personal knowledge calmly faces the article in the AI era (June 17 United Zaobao · speech), from strengthening his own ability, establishment of artificial intelligence (AI) era that is sufficient to face the tide of ChatGPT, cut in.It is persuaded to be self -enriched from different levels, and it is a good article on the top.

Comprehensive thoughts of Xie Wen and I have done before, I summarize a few necessary preparations for humans to establish similar abilities that are similar to ChatGPT in the field of text.

The first is the establishment of its own database.Human beings are dilapidated, in combination with past experience and their own unique feelings, so the accumulation of experience is very important.In terms of media, in the Nanyang Business Daily, the newspaper has the data room, and the stored newspapers are mainly newspaper information.In the era of newspaper holding, the data room was renamed the information resource center, and the stored information was still mainly stored, but due to the change of the name, the importance of information resources was self -evident.

In the past 20 years, an academic personnel told me that when writing academic papers, the amount of data held in my hand determined the length and breadth of the papers.

Data is the main body of memory.There have been some Wenyou read my recent memories and comments, asking me why I can remember the old things from 2030 years ago, and I remember so clearly.In fact, where my memory may be so huge, the focus is on the information I stored. After a systematic division of different categories, when the information in a certain field is required, it is naturally "captured" and picking up.

Starting from the most interesting things to collect information

When people are sensible, they may need to cultivate the habit of storage data.Where should I start?I suggest that starting from what you are most interested in and extending to other fields.In the mid -1970s, Xingzhou Daily published some photos and descriptions of plant flowers every Sunday. For these graphic reports, I would cut it and stuffed the small cabinets.

Today, my data has been collected wider, and it is dual -track and parallel. It collects paper newspapers and publications, but also collects relevant information downloaded from the Internet.The Internet itself is a huge database. Some book reviews I wrote a few years ago, the source of foreign books was downloaded from the Internet.Online data storage space will not exceed a computer, focusing on whether there is a systematic classification.

The second is to establish the ability to perceive the outside world.

From the process of contact with young people, it is found that the degree of maturity of modern people's mastery of communication technology is not proportional to the reserve of humanistic and historical knowledge.Many people do not read newspapers news or do not watch TV news, which is subjectively that these news does not have a physical relationship with themselves, so it is drifting away from the mainstream media.In fact, whether it is news reports or comments on newspapers or television, sometimes there are many examples of life that can be used for reference. The information they provide may not be associated with us at the moment, but it may affect us at a certain time in the future.life.To some extent, the mainstream media is to alienate social things.

To establish the ability to perceive the outside world, I suggest that you start with the closest relationship with your own interests and gradually expand to other fields.Starting from the most familiar things, you can build self -confidence in social perception.Once self -confidence is established, it will gradually discover that many social things are intertwined with their own family, work, social, and learning circles.

Follow and Thinking Determines Analysis Capability

The third is to establish the ability to understand and analyze external things.

Social issues are like an endless work question that understands and analyzes in the classroom, but it is also because of this huge information and topics full of various corners, and the life of modern people will become so rich that the lives of people will become so rich in people's lives.And challenging.To establish the ability to understand and analyze external things, first return to the beginning of the knowledge reserve.Only by being good at reserve information and transforming into useful knowledge through the thinking process can we ultimately be used to understand and analyze social issues.

Therefore, a person's attention and thinking about the society in which he is located determined whether he can successfully establish his ability to understand and analyze external things.

The fourth is to establish the ability to express things or issues.

With a systematic database, the ability to perceive, understand, and analyze external things, and then come to express ability.In late May this year, I took a short -term course started by Nanyang University of Technology, mainly to cultivate students' ability to express their expressions.

The ability to express things or issues depends on the ability of language expression.I suggest not to start from your own soul language, that is, mother tongue, and after fully grasping the ability of mother tongue to express, it will expand to the ability to express in other languages.In this regard, many organizations in Singapore provide many opportunities for training and exchanges for people who dialogue.

In addition to spoken language, the ability to express things or issues more often involves text.Similarly, starting from mother tongue, establishing its own ability to express text, and then extending to a second or third language, it should be a way of way.The spoken or text expressive ability of things or issues is basically its own ability to reserve, the comprehensive ability of social things, the comprehensive ability of social affairs, understanding, and analysis.

After the basic capabilities of the above four stages are established, creativity is the ability of another stage.

Creativity comes from creative thinking. The establishment of this ability is to distinguish the ability and expressive ability, and transcend these capabilities.

As Xie Muze said in the above, the greatness of scientists "reflected in linked things that could not be related to the irrelevant things."Love and curiosity is the beginning of all the creations. Only when you are sensitive and concerned about things around you, can you have the motivation to feel, understand, analyze, and express your views on it, and even make new suggestions or even creativity.Opinions.

Today, typing has been replaced by text scanning software, and text translation has been replaced by translation software.Not long ago, I realized at a press conference that ChatGPT has replaced the voices to provide a variety of narration sounds; professionals engaged in voice -over may lose part of the workload.In this case, creative thinking is becoming more important.Information technology and artificial intelligence software can be replaced, but only part of the workload of human beings cannot replace creative thinking.

For ChatGPT, we should hold the mentality of seeing the wisdom and compare ourselves. Through comparison, we can find out our own shortcomings.ChatGPT is by no means a flood beast. In the face of it, instead of worrying about panic and helplessness, it is better to move towards the direction of alignment with its ability.

The author is a local amateur writer