Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Shi Zhengfeng

Since the Kuomintang recruited Hou Youyi to run for president, the original leading polls did not rise and fall, and the supporters of the blue camp were urgent.However, Hou Youyi was willing to join the team leadership Wen Xuan for the first time. It is reported that Wang Jinping also organized the support of organizational warfare. In addition, overseas overseas Chinese returned to Taiwan to restore the household registration.

Tsai Ing -wen was re -elected in internal and external troubles. The Kuomintang failed to take advantage of the nine -in -one victory to return to the regime. Although there is a foreign situation in which the Kuomintang has not maintained the enthusiastic Korean flow of the Kuomintang, the Kuomintang failed.The momentum, how much is the small wall.

The combination of political parties is not foreign political forces. In the past, the Kuomintang adopted the central and local obedience. Since democratization, it has been the alliance of fighting blue, military education, and local factions.However, the three shares of the party in the party are not allowed to meet each other, and outsiders will inevitably see the stitches.From Jiang Qichen to Zhu Lilun, on the surface, the "board of directors" was nothing, but the direct stores failed to insert the flag. For franchise stores, if the eight flag green camps could not work together, the DPP would certainly be ridiculed and even wantonly differentiation of DNA.Why is love?

The advantages of innovation and operation of traditional old stores are nothing more than brand reputation and marketing channels. However, the presidential election does not just look at the implementation of candidate policies and do things, but also show leadership.Regardless of personality style or professional training, as long as they are not afraid of high -shocks, leaders must make the capable people willing to live for you.Since the 5th door architecture of the campaign headquarters is announced by Zhu Lilun, it is expected that Hou Office will have a smoother contact with the Party Central Committee.

Further look at the choice of "democracy and authoritarian" when Lai Qingde focuses on "democracy and autocracy", Hou Youyi returns to "war and peace".If Lai Qingde is deliberately low -key and dilutes Cai Yingwen's "anti -China -Baozai", Hou Youyi proposed that the "cup of water theory" is subtle packaging "1992 consensus", which is obviously to move closer to the middle.If the United States and China have no intention of being involved in the Taiwan election, then voters will have the opportunity to review the political opinions; and if the ruling party repeatedly throws silver and tie piles before the election, it will also expose the lack of confidence.

When President Roosevelt was re -elected, he went to Truman to partner, mainly to see him "a hammer" and not even college certificates; President Roosevelt died of illness, and Truman was ordered to end the World War II.When he was running for himself, everyone was not optimistic. The Golden Lord was wrapped, but historians later he was justice and believed that his achievements were only the great men such as Washington and Lincoln.

Looking back at 2024 in Taiwan. As far as the support of the party is concerned, the current presidential election has basically showed a three -point trend. Regardless of whether it is alliance or abandoning insurance, it is now a failureist.In particular, emerging voters have begun to care about politics. The reality of traditional parties in the face of the decline of the territory is always looking forward to the drought and clouds. With the joining of Jin Jicong, Hou Youyi runs the team in place, and all parties will eventually show their magical powers on the basic disk.But then again, Guo Taiming is probably the biggest variable. Once he runs by himself, it may catalyze the division of Ninghan.

Professor of the Department of Ethnic Affairs and Development of National Donghua University