Informal deduction assumes that China attacked Taiwan in 2026 and promoted the U.S. military intervention.In the 22 rounds of simulation war, Taiwan can be in the majority, but not all cases to repel the invaders.However, Taiwan ’s infrastructure and economy, as well as the U.S. troops deployed in the Pacific Ocean, will pay a huge price.

(Washington Composite) US President Biden paid attention to China's expanding military exercises around Taiwan, but he expects that the tension will not be further upgraded.The U.S. military believes that Beijing will not attack Taiwan in the next two years.The simulation deduction of US defense experts shows that in most cases, Taiwan has the ability to repel invading enemy forces, but the United States and Taiwan will pay a lot of costs.

COLIN KAHL, deputy minister of the US Department of Defense, replied to the media questions on Monday (August 8) that the United States did not visit Taiwan because of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi, and changed the may be possible to attack China.Evaluation of timetable.

Carl said that the military exercises in mainland China in Taiwan are the "crisis created" by China. China obviously hopes to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait step by step like a cut sausage.He said: "Obviously, China is trying to coerce Taiwan and try to coerce the international community. What I want to say is that we will not hook it. This approach will not work."

The U.S. military said last November that although China is developing related military capabilities, China is unlikely to try to seize Taiwan with force in the next few years.Some U.S. officials privately said that they do not think that China will make military preparations that comprehensively occupy Taiwan by 2027.

The United States will send warships through the Taiwan Strait in the next few weeks

Carl said that the United States will send warships to cross the Taiwan Strait in the next few weeks.He shows that the United States will continue to pass through the Taiwan Strait and other regions from the sea and the air within the scope allowed by the international law, and continue to stand with regional allies and partners.

Carl also criticized that China's launch missiles fell into the Japanese exclusive economic zone, not a reckless behavior that a responsible country should have, and said that this move challenged the Pacific India Pacific that was free and open.He reiterated that the United States still pursues the "one China" policy to oppose any efforts to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait unilaterally.

Bynden paid attention to China's extended military exercise, but did not think that the situation would continue to deteriorate.He said, "I don't worry, but I don't feel concerned about their response. However, I don't think they will take further action."

This is the first time that Biden was talked about Taiwan's issue after visiting Pelosi.Some media asked Peros whether this trip was wrong. Biden only responded: "That's her decision."

According to the simulation deduction of the Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS), former US defense officials and retired officers, if China and the United States broke out dueGreat price.

This informal deduction assumes that China attacked Taiwan in 2026, prompting U.S. forces to intervene.In the 22 rounds of simulation war that has been completed so far, in the 18 rounds of war, China sank most of the surface fleets in the United States and Japan, and destroyed hundreds of planes on the ground. At the same time, the Allied air and maritime counterattack operationIt also focused on the Chinese amphibious and water surface fleet, and eventually sinking about 150 ships.

CSIS senior adviser Mark Cannan said: "The results show that Taiwan can be in the majority, but not in all cases to repel the invaders.Great price. "

Most simulation scenarios assume that in order to prevent China from sending large -scale troops, Japan expands the right to use the U.S. military base in Japan. However, only when Japan is attacked, it will directly interfere with the war.Nuclear weapons were not used during the simulation war, and countries only used existing or planned weapons to deploy before 2026.

This simulation event will be carried out until September, and the relevant analysis report will be announced in December.So far, the number of people who have not estimated the casualties and did not evaluate the economic impact of military conflicts caused by the outbreak of military conflicts in China and the United States.

Kansuan said that the remaining four simulation battles will explore some more pessimistic situations, such as the United States delaying Taiwan ’s defense against Taiwan and insisting on maintaining neutrality.