If Russia invades Ukraine, he will consider performing personal sanctions against Russian President Putin.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that Bayeng was asked by reporters on Tuesday (January 25) when Putin himself was likely to be listed as the object of sanctions."

Biden said that if Russia crossed its southwest border and entered Ukraine, this would bring" huge consequences "to the world because it may have constituted the" largest invasion of the World War II.. "

Biden added that he believes that the United States has the obligation to strengthen the existence of NATO organizations in Eastern Europe.

"We must let everyone know that any NATO member country does not need to worry ... NATO will protect them."

But Bayeng also reiterated that there is no plan in the United States.Send U.S. forces to Ukraine.

According to the New York Times, senior US officials said that the United States is negotiating with large energy producers and suppliers worldwide to increase exports to Europe when Russia cut off supply.About one -third of the European Union's crude oil and natural gas are currently supplied by Russia.

British Prime Minister Johnson said earlier that Western allies will respond to Russia's invasion with "severe" economic sanctions. He also said that Britain is preparing to deploy troops to protect the region NATO allies.