When Obama took office, the media often reported "he is the first black president in the United States."Sunak has become the British Prime Minister for more than half a year, but since taking office, the immigration background has hardly attracted the attention of the media. It seems that Indian immigrants have become the prime minister.

For the ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom, as long as it is not white, the people with the skin color are prime ministers, and they are encouraged to us, which shows that the equality of society is further realized.However, Sunak is not a minority ethnic group. He is too rich, so it is difficult to judge him from the British values. Because of the skin color, he is a group of protection, but he needs to be supervised by wealth.Because contemporary Britain sympathizes with weak people, such as minority ethnic groups; the rich must be careful in the UK, because there are anti -elite concepts here.However, for the first generation of mainland Chinese immigrants (that is, it is not deeply integrated into British society, and still holds a strong concept of worship success), Sunak has made the best demonstration for their children's future success -middle -school children, Smart, entering private schools, and then admitted to the prestigious Ivy school, where the children of the most richest people in the world are met.

Sunak was the third prime minister that appeared in the UK last year. At that time, Johnson was forced to step down (Sunak himself was the second largest promoter of Johnson's step in).The parliamentarians are stubborn and avoid making the Conservative Party members voting in order to become the Prime Minister.Three prime ministers a year have made the Conservative Party lose a lot of points in the hearts of the people.Recently, Johnson was forced to resign from the position of Congress because of the party investigation report, which led to three re -elections, which once again lost the Conservative Party.As a leader of the party, Sunak did not dare to publicize his attitude when he voted to the party. Instead, he chose to escape the vote. It was not like a party leader.

The British that Sunak took over, facing various troubles of internal affairs, diplomacy and economic construction.

Because of the boundaries between Northern Ai and Ireland, Brexit has been hanging.Except for the "38th Line" on the Korean Peninsula, there is probably no border line in the world, which can be more difficult and difficult to deal with than the trouble of the northern love division line.At the beginning of the year, Sunak reached a new agreement with the European Union to sign the Windsor Framework agreement to replace the Northern Ireland assignment signed by the Johnson era with the EU.According to the British Financial Times report, "British and European relations experienced the relative and mutual contempt during Johnson's administration, and the serious attitude of the new Prime Minister Sonak won the trust of the European Union."

In terms of relations with the United States, Sunak continues to follow the United States' policy, whether it is to Russia, Ukraine, and policies to China, which is almost consistent with the United States.At the beginning of Brexit, it was hoped that after the EU independence, it would be able to reach a free trade agreement with the United States.During the Trump administration, it seemed likely.However, in the Bayeng era, Britain had given up this idea and asked Biden to support Britain to play a leading role in supervising artificial intelligence.Because of Brexit, London lost its favorable position in the financial center.Now, with the support of the United Kingdom, with the support of the United States, in the future, artificial intelligence supervision will become the world's leader.

In terms of relations with China, Sunak's entry into political circles from the economic industry did not seem to have deep attention to political ideology. When he was the Minister of Finance, he tended to maintain a good trade relationship with China.But since entering the party leader's election, his attitude towards China is a bit turbulent.

When he first came to power, he launched a "firm and powerful pragmatism" policy for China, but by April this year, British Foreign Minister Cleverly called for a "strong and constructive" relationship with Beijing.Sunak's visit to Washington in June said: "China and Russia and other countries such as stealing intellectual property rights, abuse technology, and manipulation of key resources."This remark may be exchanged with Bayon supporting Britain to play a leading role in regulating artificial intelligence.

Following the economic recession caused by the epidemic in 2020 (that is, the domestic GDP declined for two consecutive quarters), in 2022, the British Treasury Secretary Hunter confirmed that Britain entered the recession again when he issued a fall budget.Although there have been recessions at present, the environment is still worse -the Brexit has a shortage of labor for labor, reducing trade between Britain and Europe; when the crown disease is sealing the city hindering economic development, countless additional rescue subsidies have also been added; Russia is Russia; RussiaInvasion of Ukraine is the biggest pushingist of the economic dilemma of Western countries including the United Kingdom, and various economic sanctions on Russia have interrupted free trade.

The current economic digital indicators are more difficult to control.The official governance economy is inflation. Last year, it was as high as two digits, and the ideal inflation rate was 2%, and it is still at a high of 8.7%.To this end, the central bank has raised interest rates for the 13th time, and now it has been adjusted to 5% -the last high interest rate was in April 2008.This has caused huge pressure on debt repayment to Millions of Million Loans, and Treasury Secretary is discussing solutions with the bank leaders.The one -year strike is still continuing, with only one purpose -requires the increase of wages to keep up with the level of inflation.However, if you raise wages, hedging the central bank to raise interest rates to reduce inflation efforts.It has been reported that Sunak will make difficult choices and plans to prevent the suggestions made by the public sector's salary agencies (that is, to prevent salary increase) to try to solve the soaring inflation.He said: "The government borrowing (the government to increase the government to borrow) will worsen inflation, so the government must make priority considerations." The ratio of British debt to GDP has risen to more than 100%since 1961.The public sector borrowed a lot in May.

Now the British media has begun to report the prospects for next year's election. Public opinion generally speculate that the Labor Party will return to No. 10 Tangning Street.The Conservative Party has been in power for 13 years, and it is time to change the party.Although Sunak is talented, as the party leader, it is not the charm of Blair and Johnson that attracts voters and can win the election.He can become a prime minister, and most of the lucky ingredients.

YOUGOV reported the results of the "Most Popular Conservative Political Person" in the first quarter of 2023. Sunak ranked third, after Johnson and Trysa May.He and the Popularity of the Labor Party leader Stammer's popularity index, according to YouGov report: "Sunak's net support rate-21 points, lagging behind the Labor Party's opponent (-11 point).Fairness (37%) is similar to Sonc, but fewer people who don't like him (48%) are more popular than his party. At present, 22%of the BritishWith an attitude, 67%of the people are opposed; Stammore's popularity is slightly lower than his political party. Four -tenth of the British (41%) hold a positive view of the Labor Party, and 46%of them holdNegative views.

Regardless of the results of the Sunak's election next year, he has created the history of the first non -white prime minister in British history, and his position is indispensable in history books.

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK