Hu Henghua refers to Chongqing's political ecology as a whole in recent years, realizing "the fundamental change from severe pollution to righteousness."Chongqing also won the battle of poverty alleviation as scheduled, established a well -off society in an all -round way, and achieved new results in economic and social development and reached a new level.

Hu Henghua, deputy secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, and the mayor of the Communist Party of China, which is about to be held, emphasized that each of the progress and achievement of Chongqing's past development and achievement is the most fundamental lies in the Chinese official as the "Party Central CommitteeThe core of the party and the core of the party "," the people in the city sincerely support the Party Central Committee and sincerely embrace the official secretary of China. "

The Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held a press conference on the theme of the "Ten Years of China · Chongqing" on Wednesday (August 17).), The executive deputy mayor Lu Kehua, and the secretary general of the municipal party committee Luo Yan.Other member of the Standing Committee also included Jiang Hui, Minister of Propaganda Department and Cai Yunge, Minister of Organization Department.

In addition to Luo Yan, who was the host of the press conference, the other five members of the Standing Committee answered questions involving eight journalists including consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu -Chongqing.

The total product value of Chongqing has increased by 9.2%in the past 10 years

Hu Henghua introduced before the Q & A session that Chongqing's political ecology in recent years has improved, realizing "the fundamental transformation from severe pollution to the uprightness", comprehensively and completely cleaned up and clearerWang Lijun, the former director of the public security Wang Lijun, resolutely eliminated the influence of the former public security director Deng Huilin's poisoning, and achieved "two maintenance" (the core position of maintaining the Chinese official party's central government, the core of the party, and the maintenance and concentration of the Party Central Committee.Good political atmosphere of unified leadership).

For the economic and social development of the past 10 years, Hu Henghua said that Chongqing won the battle against poverty as scheduled, and established a well -off society in an all -round way. Economic and social development has achieved new results and reached a new level.The average annual increase of 9.2 %, in the past five years, has increased by nearly 1 trillion yuan (S $ 203.7 billion); the per capita GDP has doubled in the past 10 years.

Hu Henghua also pointed out that the energy level of open platforms such as China -Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Interconnection Demonstration Project, Liangjiang New District and other open platforms have continued to improve.Become a hot land.

In the question and answer session, Li Mingqing evaluated Chongqing's "the most significant achievements" as a historic elimination absolute poverty.The cadres and the masses are energetic, and the masses of cadres and the masses are becoming more and more grateful.

Hu Henghua also said that Chongqing will deeply understand the "two establishment" in the future (the core position of the Chinese official party central government, the core position of the entire party, establish the guiding position of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in China), and resolutely do it resolutelyTo "two maintenance", focus on creating a stable and healthy economic environment and a political environment, and welcome the 20th National Congress with practical achievements.

The Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle proposed two and a half years, and the Sichuan and Chongqing Party and Government Coalition Conference held the fifth meeting at the end of June this year, proposing to further strengthen Chongqing and Chengdu dual -core linkage and dual city drive.

Lu Kehua said in the Lianhe Morning Post asking questions that Chongqing and Sichuan and Chengdu focus on the "five co -construction", including the joint construction of the Western Luhai New Channel, the world -class advanced manufacturing cluster, and the Western Science City.

Lu Kehua said that the next step in Chongqing will work hard in the "dual -core leadership" and together with Sichuan and Chengdu to promote the "five interconnection", including transportation infrastructure, modern industrial system, scientific and technological innovation resources, urban service functions and societyPublic policy, better support and lead the high -quality development of the Chengdu -Chongqing economic circle.

(Reporter is a special agent in Chongqing in the Morning Post)