Huang Yuan

The Russian and Ukraine War continued, but obviously has become a military and comprehensive capabilities between NATO countries and Russia.It is impossible for the United States and NATO to allow Ukraine to defeat or lose the historical opportunities of Russia. Russian President Putin has lost its dominance of the war.Some analysts believe that the ending of the Russian and Ukraine War may be: 1. The Putin regime is ended, Putin is investigated for war crimes; 2. Russia made war compensation; 3. Russia and Ukraine borders returned to at least before March 2014.

No matter how they end, the end of the Russian and Ukraine War is likely to start the next global era, including the reform of the United Nations institutional reform and even the global governance system.The advent of global governance reform will not be transferred by the will of one country or a few countries.Has China prepared for the coming of the next era of global governance?

Human history has repeatedly proved that the victory and defeat of a war, military forces are not absolute factor, and human heart and morality are the key.The Russian and Ukraine War will once again prove to the world that high -pressure and violence are by no means the foundation of victory, but the way of demise.Similar to Moscow and Pyongyang's existing regime, it is impossible to have sustainable political vitality.

The Russian and Ukraine War has prompted the overall military response and future strategic coordination of the United States to strengthen the overall military response and future strategic coordination, especially the comprehensive military response capabilities in the Western Pacific region, which has undergone major upgrades.In particular, it is prominently to clearly decide the strategic intention, seek to restrain and defeat Russia through the Ukrainian war, and make a systematic plan for the situation in the Taiwan Strait, focusing on the reorganization of the future global governance system.This series of changes will face China's development and security and face new major structural challenges.

The author advocates that China's current policy of Russia should be committed to ending the Putin regime with the United States and Europe, disintegrating Russia, and holding an international peace conference with the United States and Europe including the reform of the United Nations institutional institutional reform, and strive to return to the large blockbuster occupied by Tsarist Russia in history.Chinese territory.This is a major historical opportunity that China should now have a key policy on Russia, and it is also an indispensable opportunity, no longer coming, and related to the rise of the nation.

China must deepen a more pragmatic self -revolution in the concept and behavior of national relations and foreign countries.Focusing on national governance and global governance, we can enhance the national capabilities that actively participate in the construction of global sustainable development order, build a series of major challenges for the development of global drama to bring national development and security, and a series of major challenges for the rise of the nation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Mainland Government, a series of "self -revolution" measures on national governance and development have been introduced in the name of the ruling party and the country.In the international perspective, it advocates the concept of the "Belt and Road" and the community of human destiny, and tough back to the United States, build a social reform environment such as the knife and blade inward, scraping bone poison, and rolling stones.These measures and concepts have repeatedly focused on the struggle of class (personnel) in the history of the mainland government, more important people's livelihood, grounding, national governance and development capabilities, showing a new historical appearance.

In July 1945, after the War of Resistance Against Japan, when the KMT and the Communist Party established the joint government to fall into the deadlock, Mao Zedong invited five democrats such as Huang Yanpei and other five Kuomintang ruling districts to visit Yan'an.Huang Yanpei said that one person and one country are also prosperous, and their deaths are also suddenly (the rise and demise are just a matter of a while), and it is difficult to jump out of the historical law of this rising cycle.Mao Zedong replied that our (mainland government) could jump out of this cycle law and found a new way, that is, democracy, let the people monitor the government, the government dare not relax, everyone is responsible, and no one will die.

"Self -Revolution" cannot see the end point

The 20th National Congress of the Mainland Government wrote that the party found the second answer to the historical cycle of self -revolution.Self -revolution is always on the road.

But the "self -revolution" does not mean that it can be revolved today, and it will be revolved tomorrow, so that they have to "always be on the road."For example, anti -corruption, rotors have successively succeeded, anti -corruptions goes forward, mice and cats confront each other for a long time, and even mice cannot be discovered in time. In many cases, the mice are returned to the cage.If this "forever" is the huge fee for national manpower and financial resources and even overall development capabilities, and it is not conducive to actively upgrading the country's global competition and leadership.Only by directly eliminating the genetic (virus "and the genes (not corruption) that leads to" virus "and mouse breeding and breeding, is the" self -revolution "successful way.

Looking at the development of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign human beings, the distribution and restrictions of power are the most effective self -revolutionary mechanism for national governance.Ideological differences are just a fake proposition.The differences in human society are mainly derived from the regional cognition and development capabilities under the historical conditions of early traffic and communication resistance.With the increasingly close connection between transportation and communication, the global cognitive differences are disappearing. The differences between cognition and development ability will be mainly manifested as correct and errors, advanced and backward differences, rather than the so -called diversified characteristics and overallizationThe confrontation between.

The globalization of

Economy, Culture, and Social Development will inevitably lead to the integration of global politics and social governance. It is not possible to be the normal governance normal of the future.In the process of political globalization, any personal authoritarian politics will allow politics located in science and rules, so that they are shared by simple people and equal opportunities for everyone.

In the international environment with unbalanced comprehensive development capabilities between the country, complex relationships, and rapid changes, any excessive enhancement of personal non -functional authority will actually increase the development obstacles of a country, which is not conducive to national political and physical health.And effectively establish a relationship with other countries.The Taro Sutra said: "There is no virtuous, so that the people are not arguing."

National governance optimization must follow the laws of universal survival and development, and cannot be based on personal subjective cognition and interest needs.Any behavior that is encouraged by personal cognitive ability or ideas can only be written as a negative historical trace of the country destroying the country.Only the focus of national governance is "down", and it is effectively placed among the people, instead of the opposite of the country. It is the real "people first" through power and documents on the sour neck where the people look up at the sour necks that the people are looking up.Practice.

Everyone, everyone is the country, is the fundamental guarantee of the country's development and security.Such as Pyongyang regime is against the mainstream of the people and the international community, but through the intimidation of poor soldiers, and seeking continuous political security, it is naturally a dream.

A large population country like China should be a country with many first -class natural scientists, economists, entrepreneurs, philosophers, educators, politicians, militaryists and artisans flourishing.Only by Baihua Run, Baijia Changyan, and Vibration can the people strengthen the country; the monopoly in any field or form will not be conducive to the prosperity of people.Zi said: "Attacks heresy, and Sri Lanka is also self -harm."Any monopoly in politics, thought, finance, business and other fields will inevitably damage the overall innovation capabilities of the country.There are actually many people in China who can become industry giants, but it is difficult to have real giants at present, because all their passion cannot be fully released.

"Self -Revolution" means jumping out of traditional thinking, effectively handling and building a good international development environment.China's current policies and claims on global development and security are not enough to be based on the global perspective.From the perspective of China's future development and security, it should seek sustainable warmth of the overall relationship between China and the United States and China and Europe.Military relations.The core is to reach political mutual trust. Whether politics is mutual trust is the source of all issues.Bend a fight without fightingThe soldiers, good and good.

"Self -Revolution" and democratic supervision are not two different answers, but different efficiency requirements under the requirements of social governance.Democracy is precisely the premise and cornerstone of the "self -revolution". Without fundamental democratic decision -making and power checks and balance mechanisms, it is impossible to truly realize the "self -revolution" of social governance;", And it is bound to be incomplete.The core direction of the "self -revolution" should be whether it has the national democratic governance system.

The author is a scholar of Beijing National Intellect

"Self -Revolution" does not mean that it can be revolved today, and it will be revolved tomorrow, so that they have to "always be on the road."Only by directly eliminating the genes that lead to "viruses" and rats to breed and reproduce from the national governance system, can it be the best way to succeed in self -revolution.