The Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau said on Friday (April 19) that the Hong Kong Government injected 18.1 billion yuan (Hong Kong dollars, about 3.149 billion yuan) to the Hong Kong Shenzhen Capital Science ParkThe operation of the eight buildings and supporting companies, the first three buildings can be completed one after another from the end of this year.

Comprehensive and Hong Kong Radio reported that the Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau said that the Hong Kong Government will also release about five hectares of land with community isolation and treatment facilities, so that Hong Kong Shenzhen Chuangchuang Science Park No. 1The construction project of the five buildings with the remaining batches can be launched as soon as possible, and the Hong Kong Shenzhen Innovation Science Park will launch the second phase of the planning work.

The Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau introduced that the Hong Kong Shenzhen Innovation Science Park Company is building the first eight buildings, four of which are wet laboratory buildings, which can cooperate with the "Life Health Innovation Scientific Research Center"Construction.It is expected that scientific research teams and enterprises related to the life and health industry can gradually enter the first batch of buildings in Hong Kong Shenzhen Chuangchuang Science Park.

On the Special Finance Committee of the Legislative Council, MP Liang Ziying paid attention to when the enterprise could enter the river suite.Sun Dong, the director of the Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau, said that it is expected that the enterprise can start in the middle or after the middle or after the next year, and the other five buildings are expected to start construction in the first half of next year.

Sun Dong said that because there are still many isolation facilities in the west of the Hong Kong Shenzhen Innovation Science Park, the relevant government committees have made a review. I believe that the facilities will be relocated to other suitable places as soon as possible.He emphasized that the government would balance Hong Kong's economic development and possible resistance to epidemic resistance.