The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong has criticized the US official and politicians' remarks on the legislation of Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, and fully exposed the hypocritical dual -target's intentions.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, Saturday (March 23), US officials and politicians such as US Secretary of State Broskere and the United States Commission to maintain national security regulations in Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as Hong KongThe National Security Regulations) When the statement was effective, it was said to be three.

The spokesman pointed out that maintaining national sovereignty, security, and development benefits is the highest principle of the "one country, two systems" policy.To keep national security, it is to protect the "one country, two systems", and the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.The Constitution of the Hong Kong National Security Regulations will take effect, which will further build the security foundation of Hong Kong's development, promote Hong Kong to accelerate the realization of the rule of governance and ensure that the "one country, two systems" are stable and far away.

A spokesman said that the Hong Kong National Security Regulations fully draw on the experience of legislative legislation in other countries, especially ordinary French families, in line with international law and traffic practice.The regulations clearly define the elements of crimes, clearly indicate law enforcement conditions and restrictions, fully protect the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents, and fully protect the normal activities of foreign institutions and personnel in Hong Kong, which is conducive to better overall safety and development of the SAR, better exert its own unique uniqueness themselvesStatus and advantages to better deepen Hong Kong's more open and close exchanges and cooperation with countries and regions.

The spokesman bluntly stated that the US's own human rights and democratic conditions cannot bear to look at it, the national security legislation is dense, and the concept of generalization of the national security is almost paranoid for other countries;The mean means are targeted at aliens, and there is no right right in the world.

The spokesman criticized that the United States had no choice but to accuse Hong Kong's legitimate legislation that maintains national security;Ideological prejudice, also shouted to sanction and pressure."Just allow you to lock the door by yourself and not allow others to hold his feet."

The spokesman finally urged the United States to abide by the principles of international law and the basic criteria for international relations, and immediately stopped interfere with Hong Kong affairs and Chinese internal affairs.

The Hong Kong government on Friday (22nd) in the government bulletin, leveraging foreign travel on Australia and Taiwan and other places to slander the effectiveness of maintaining the national security regulations, increase risk to Hong Kong.It has strong condemnation for these political manipulation of false, distorting facts and alarmist words to spread fear.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government pointed out that the Hong Kong law enforcement department adopted law enforcement operations in accordance with evidence, strict laws, and illegal acts of relevant persons.General passengers (including Australia, Taiwan, etc. to Hong Kong) will not engage in behaviors and activities that endanger national security, and will not fall by mistake.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao signed a national security regulations, commonly known as Article 23 of the Basic Law.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council on Tuesday (19th) through the three -read of full votes through the maintenance of national security regulations, it took only 12 days from the draft announcement to the review to complete the legislation.U.S. Secretary of State Brills said the new law would have a "extensive impact" on American citizens and companies, and the United States condemned the behavior of intimidation, harassment and restrictions on the freedom of speech of American citizens and residents.

The Australian government updated the tourism warning of Hong Kong on Friday. It is mentioned that the new law in Hong Kong can be widely explained that people may accidentally touch the law and be detained without prosecution.The Mainland China Committee reminded people to go to Hong Kong Tourism Station on Thursday (21st) to prevent and maintain personal safety risks that can be triggered by laws and regulations such as the National Security Law of Hong Kong.