The Hong Kong Legislative Council on Tuesday (March 19) Three reads through the draft of the national security regulations, that is, the draft legislative draft legislation, and the new regulations will come into effect on Saturday (March 23).This means that 23 legislations that have been procrastinating for more than 20 years are finally completed.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said, thanks to all patriotic Hong Kong people to support and promote the 23 legislation of the Basic Law to jointly write a full end for the 26th and 19th months of Hong Kong.

In 26 years and 19 days, Hong Kong society has experienced many changes, and many large social movements are related to 23.The founder of the online media "Hong Kong 01", Yu Pinhai, said that the legislation was completed with the speed of "Superman". Next, it also requires superhuman speed to deal with economic and people's livelihood.

Netizens also said that the Hong Kong Government can no longer find excuses.If it is said that in the past, 23 legislation and related political issues are required questions that Hong Kong cannot go around. So now the legislation is completed, does the SAR government fully invest in the development of social economy and the well -being of people's livelihood?For Hong Kong citizens, can political issues finally come to an end?

23 The legislation is "a knife hanging on the head"?

Why should there be 23 legislation?The legal basis of Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" is the Basic Law of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, also known as the Basic Law. Among them, Article 23 proposes that Hong Kong should legislate by themselves, prohibit any rebellion, split the country, incite the rebellion, subvert the central people's government, and steal the secrets of the state.Foreign political organizations or groups conduct political activities in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's political organizations or groups are prohibited from establishing a connection with foreign political organizations or groups.

The words "self -legislation" are left in Hong Kong to allow it to legislate at appropriate time.

In 2003, Hong Kong has returned for almost six years. The first chief executive Dong Jianhua has entered the second term.Vaguely; Liang Aishi, then the director of the law of law in Hong Kong, blurted out the media: "23 articles are like a knife on your head." It even caused Hong Kong people to worry about human rights and freedom.

On July 1 of that year, Hong Kong's "Civil Rights Front" (announced in 2021 has been announced) was initiated by the title of "opposition to 23 legislation".The organizer said that 500,000 people participated, and it was the largest parade from 1997 to the time.

In the face of strong opposition from the public opinion, Dong Jianhua made a concession and modified some provisions, but then the then Liberal Party chairman and the legislator Tian Beijun resigned as a member of the executive council to show opposition, so that the Hong Kong government could not obtain sufficient votes at the Legislative Council. In the endWithdraw the draft.

On July 17, 2003, shortly after Hong Kong's opposition to 23 legislative parades, Dong Jianhua said that Hong Kong was my family and would not leave when Hong Kong needs political stability and economic stability.In September of the same year, Dong Jianhua announced the withdrawal of the draft regulations (China News Agency)

Since then, Dong Jianhua and the SAR government have suffered great injuries. The July 1 parade has evolved into political activities that are staged and challenged by the annual return of the Hong Kong Return to the annual commemorative day.In several special capitals of Dong Jianhua, Article 23 legislative is the constitutional responsibility of Hong Kong, but none of them have officially put forward legislative suggestions again. Until January this year, Li Jiachao gave a timetable for legislation.

Chen Jingxiang, a professor at the Department of Journalism of the Hong Kong Baptist University, wrote in the Ming Pao that it is different from that of the previous Hong Kong Government's "unmoved" of 23 legislation. Now Hong Kong has been directly led by the Party Central Committee.The core idea of ​​China's official era, so 23 legislation will be completed within the first term of Li Jiachao.

Some people believe that in 2019, anti -repair storms broke out in Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong National Security Law was implemented in Hong Kong the following year, which was enough to maintain safety.However, current affairs commentator Lin Heli pointed out to the BBC Chinese website that Article 23 legislation has symbolic significance to further establish a "secondary return" in Hong Kong.

After legislation (March 21), Li Jiachao met with the director of the Hong Kong and Macau Work Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council of China and the Director of the State Council.

Xia Baolong (right), director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council of the State Council of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with the party from Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachang in Shenzhen on March 21 to hear the report on the relevant work.(China News Agency)

Hong Kong "Second Return"

From the announcement of the draft to the review of the legislation, 23 legislation has only used for just 12 days.Compared with the twists and turns 20 years ago, the legislation took a short time and the process was calm. No one went to the streets to march.

Yu Pinhai, Hong Kong 01, said that no matter how detailed the legislative process is reported, the report on the report is not high. "It is estimated that citizens are unwilling to consume spiritual attention to this work that belongs to 'previous period".

Maybe Hong Kong citizens are tired of discussing 23 articles. Maybe they think that in the current political situation, it is useless. Since they can't change anything, they don't have to care.

In fact, in the past 10 years, whether it is the umbrella movement in 2014 and the 2019 anti -repair routine storm, some people will always propose that Hong Kong's core identity identity crisis is because Hong Kong has no 23 articles in Hong Kong.When legislation, strictly delineating the crime of dividing the country, etc., caused a lot of contradictions to find a solution, it slipped to "independence".

Ye Liu Shuyi, chairman of the New Democratic Party in Hong Kong, said on Tuesday (March 19) that if 23 legislations were completed in 2003, even if the regulations are not as dense as they are now, there are crimes such as split countries.In 2014, there will be no 79 -day occupation campaign.

She also said that violent operations in 2019 attempt to overthrow the government to split Hong Kong, showing that Hong Kong not only has legal responsibility for 23 legislation, but also has actual needs.

In this way, the political movement in Hong Kong can indeed come to an end. Some people in the construction maker said that they can develop the economy with peace of mind.

Anti-repair movement broke out in Hong Kong in 2019.The picture shows about 12 am on December 25 of that year. A radical demonstrators threw a bottle to the police car and destroyed and set fire at the nearby HSBC.(Zhongtong News Agency)

Dashi landed?

There was no opposition inside, but external criticism followed.

British Foreign Minister Cameron said that the new law is widely defined for national security and overseas intervention, allowing ordinary people to live and work in Hong KongAnd it is difficult to do business and cannot provide certainty to international organizations.Patt, deputy spokesperson for the US State Department, also said that a large number of words such as "overseas intervention" in the regulations are extremely vague, and the United States is analyzing the potential risks of US citizens and the interests of the United States.

Hong Kong media reports, including 15 members of the Legislative Council Chairman Liang Junyan, have been prepared to be sanctioned, and some people will avoid settle in the United States in the short term.

The response at the enterprise level is not small.A consulting company executive told Reuters that because of the concern of data security, several companies are completely isolating the company's Hong Kong team from other team information.Another senior executive said that he was concerned about how to deal with regulatory authorities and government officials because he was worried about the provisions of the state secrets in the new law.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the new law will exacerbate people's concerns about Hong Kong's attractiveness and is a stumbling block that attracts global talents.

All indicators have shown that Hong Kong's attractiveness has declined straight.According to data from the Statistics Office of the Hong Kong Government, only 1,336 overseas companies used Hong Kong as the regional headquarters last year, a decrease of 13.3%compared with 2019, and the least year since 2012.According to the data released by Shibang Wei Shi in January, the vacancy rate of Grade A office building in Hong Kong at the end of 2023 increased to 16.4%, a record high.

23 The next day after the legislation passed, the Hong Kong government introduced the key enterprise office to hold the "Key Enterprise Partnership Signing Ceremony" to celebrate the establishment of the R & D center or regional business headquarters in Hong Kong in Hong Kong.The new security regulations have not shocked Hong Kong's attractiveness to foreign capital.

But the internal soft resistance did not disappear.After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, nearly 109,000 Hong Kong residents walked away from Hong Kong airports within a year.VOA pointed out that more and more Hong Kong people choose not to consume in Hong Kong to soft resistance.

Test the beginning

23 legislation passed on the same day, Li Jiachao said at the Legislative Council that the completion of 23 legislations so that Hong Kong could have no worries, light up, and fully focus on the development of economy and improve people's livelihood.

Can it really be gently packed?Indeed, since the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong in 2020, politics gathering and security incidents have greatly reduced.In the 23rds, the Hong Kong Government not only completed the constitutional responsibility, but also highlighted that the institutional faction would no longer be subject to the opposition.

However, all the challenges in development: explain 23 articles to the outside world, respond to possible sanctions, revive the economy, retain foreign capital, retain talents, and stand out in the Greater Bay Area ... not as simple as execution of senior management and political tasks.Article 23 The test of legislative dust has been settled, and the test of the Hong Kong government's capabilities has just begun.