Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Finance Department, said that China Mobile's establishment of a research institute in Hong Kong supports the development of Hong Kong's economy and innovation.

According to the Hong Kong government communiqué, Chen Maobo attended the establishment ceremony of the China Mobile (Hong Kong) Innovation Research Institute and China Mobile Hong Kong Financial Corporation on Friday (March 22), and made the above expression during his speech.

He said that since its establishment, China Mobile has been serving the society with advanced information and communication technology, creating the world's top enterprises as its responsibility, and is committed to becoming the core of the construction of a national network, digital transformation and smart society construction.strength.

Chen Maobo pointed out that China Mobile has continued to use innovation as a driving force to accelerate the upgrading and transformation of enterprises. Now it has developed into the world's largest telecommunications network operator.The headquarters of China Mobile International is located in Hong Kong.

He said that China Mobile's establishment of an Innovation Research Institute and financial companies in Hong Kong is a strong support for the development of Hong Kong's economy and innovation and financial services.

Chen Maobo revealed that the research institute will focus on the frontier science and technology fields such as the third -generation Internet (Web 3.0), artificial intelligence and 6G, and will carry out scientific research cooperation with Hong Kong and international universities, scientific research institutions and related enterprises.And promote the transformation of results.

He said that one of the important parts of the construction of the Hong Kong International Creative Center is artificial intelligence, big data and fintech.This time, China Mobile established an Innovation Institute to promote the transformation of cooperation and results of more political, production, learning, and research. It actively responded to the policy direction of the Hong Kong government and helped Hong Kong to establish a more vigorous creative ecology.

Chen Maobo said that China Mobile has set up a financial company in Hong Kong this time to manage its overseas funds.Essence