Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao signed a national security regulations, commonly known as Article 23 of the Basic Law.

According to the news bulletin of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Li Jiachao signed the national security regulations passed by the Legislative Council on Friday (22) in accordance with Article 48, paragraph 3 of the Basic Law.

Li Jiachao said that after the effectiveness of maintaining the national security regulations, it marks that the constitutional responsibility of maintaining national security local legislation stipulated in Article 23 of the Basic Law of the Basic Law after the effectiveness of the National Security Regulations.It does not bear national trust. "

He said that the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law is a necessary task to implement the "one country, two systems" policy, and ensure that the national security of "one country" in the "one country, two systems" has been effectively guaranteed and the long -term prosperity and stability of the "two systems".Essence

Li Jiachao said that maintaining the national security regulations will bring social security and safety to stabilize; with stability, there is prosperity.Business and enterprises must have a safe and stable environment to succeed. Otherwise, funds will be lost, and investment and operation will be destroyed and impacted.

He reiterates that safeguarding the national security regulations to ensure human rights and freedom, and protect the human rights and freedoms stipulated in accordance with the Basic Law and the two international conventions in accordance with the lawRights also ensure that the property and investment in Hong Kong are guaranteed by law.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council on Tuesday (March 19) Three reads through the full ticket to maintain the national security regulations. It only took just 12 days from the draft announcement to the review of the legislation.Hurry up.

According to the regulations, the rebellion, the rebellion, and the incitement of members of the Chinese armed forces rebellion and other crimes can be sentenced to life for a lifetime; many of them will be one of the crimes, which will be one;If the destruction of national security is involved in collusion with foreign forces, the maximum punishment is also a lifelong prison.

However, the United States, Britain, Australia and other countries have criticized Hong Kong's rapid criticism of 23 legislations. Among them, the Australian government updated the tourism warning of Hong Kong on Friday.In touch, he was detained and rejected a lawyer without being prosecuted.