Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Department of Government, said that after 23 Basic Law passed, Hong Kong's basic security was guaranteed, and in the future, it was as bright as flowers.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio Station, Hong Kong 01 and Sing Tao Daily reported that Chen Guoji told reporters on Wednesday (March 20) to report to reporters that after 23 legislation of the Basic Law was passed, Hong Kong's basic security was guaranteed.In the future, it is like the flowers in the flower show "so brilliant."

He said that the Hong Kong Government will concentrate on improving the economy and people's livelihood in the future, fully promote the event economy, and make Hong Kong a livable place.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council on Tuesday (March 19) The full vote of the full vote passed the draft national security regulations commonly known as the draft legislative case commonly known as the basic law, but Western countries and international institutions including the United States and the United Kingdom expressed thisThe bill may further limit Hong Kong's freedom.

Chen Guoji criticized this that the United States and Western countries have continued to discredit 23 articles. These countries themselves have established some regulations to protect national security. "Why can they protect their country's security and Hong Kong cannot?"

He said that without the Hong Kong National Security Law, Western countries can be organized to take advantage of the peace and order of Hong Kong.

Regarding the allegations of the 23 legislation to destroy the human rights of Hong Kong's human rights, Chen Guoji said that the existing demonstration of the Hong Kong parade during the anti -repair campaign during 2019, and the gasoline bomb and fighting.Behavior affects human rights.

He said that today Hong Kong citizens can go out to visit the flower show, which is the basic right to exercise them.

Chen Guoji said that the Hong Kong government will try to refute and clarify unrealistic allegations as much as possible. At the same time, it will interpret the law from all walks of life, and it is expected that there will be no need to use national security laws in the future. Once the national security problem occurs, it will only affect the citizens.