Zhang Guojun, deputy director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, spoke at the UN Human Rights Council meeting, criticized some countries and organizations to hold double standards for the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law.

Zhang Guojun attended the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on Wednesday (March 20), local time in Geneva, Switzerland, and spoke on the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law.The Hong Kong Government's official website official website issued a Chinese translation of the full text of Zhang Guojun's speech on Thursday (21st).

Zhang Guojun said that the legislature of Hong Kong has just passed the laws of Article 23 of the Basic Law to fulfill the constitutional responsibility of Hong Kong's long -term implementation and maintaining its own national security.

He pointed out that each sovereign country has the inherent right to formulate laws to safeguard its national security, including China.Many countries have formulated a series of national security laws according to their national security risks and needs.There are at least 21 relevant laws in the United States, at least 14 in the UK, at least nine in Canada, and at least six in Singapore.

Zhang Guojun said: "Article 23 of the Basic Law legislative, in today's increasingly complex geopolitics, will better protect our country to avoid the true threat to national security."

He said that the law is fully in line with the principles of international law and international practice, and criticized some countries and organizations to comment on this, completely ignoring the basic laws and facts, but only reflects dual standards and fallacies.

Zhang Guojun also said that the law clearly stated that the international conventions of the Basic Law and Citizen Rights and Political Rights, and the rights and freedoms that are applied to the relevant provisions of Hong Kong's relevant regulations are applied.Protected according to law.The new laws also strictly follow the principles of the rule of law.The law is clear and clear, and the appropriate exceptions and defense defense.Citizens will not fall by mistake.This legislative work has been widely supported by Hong Kong society.

He emphasized that any attempt to discredit or destroy Article 23 is based on the wrong understanding.The Hong Kong Government believes that this law will bring the prospects of stability and prosperity to Hong Kong, and as always, the rights and freedoms enjoyed in accordance with the law will be fully guaranteed.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council on Tuesday (19th) of the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft of the national security regulations (that is, Article 23 of the Basic Law).The draft will come into effect on Saturday (23).Britain and the United States and the European Union have expressed their worries that this will further limit Hong Kong freedom, while the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to relevant "slander and smearing".