With the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation of the former deputy director of the CPPCC Population Resources and Environment Committee and the former party secretary and chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CPPCC.

After investigation, Han Yong lost his ideals and convictions, deviated from his original mission, was indifferent to political awareness, dared not associate with the struggle, and made political scammers and engaged in political speculation; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and accepted the banquet and tourism activities arranged by others in violation of the rules;In violation of the organization principles of the organization, let people have a profit, selling officers; the bottom line of integrity is lost, gifts received gifts in violation of regulations, and buying houses at low prices; illegal intervention and disciplinary law enforcement activities; family style is not correct;Trading, use job convenience to benefit others in terms of corporate operations, cadres' appointment, and engineering contracting, and illegally accept huge amounts of property.

Han Yong seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline and life discipline, constituted serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.It should be dealt with seriously and should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Disciplinary Affairs Regulations, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was studied and submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Treatment; collection of disciplinary illegal income; transfer it to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution according to law, and transfer the property involved.