On the evening of April 19, 2024, Zhongke Shuguang (603019.SH) issued an announcement, saying that the company's chairman Li Guojie received a notice of filed a case on the same day.File the case.

Li Guojie is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and is 80 years old.A week ago, Zhongke Shuguang disclosed that Li Guojie's wife Zhang Tihua's short -term transactions in violation of the rules exceeded 150 million yuan. The couple apologized for this and all the income was delivered to the company.At that time, the company responded to a reporter from Huaxia Times that Zhang Tihua had a higher age and was not in good health. Children were not around. Daily stocks were used as personal life preferences.

However, whether Zhang Tihua's account is controlled by himself and insider trading, it has caused market doubts.A investor said: "The case has been filed, that is to say, it is not just a short -term operation of his wife, there are other problems."

Academician 80 was filed by the CSRC

Public information shows that the dawn of China Science and Technology is mainly engaged in the development and manufacturing of high -end computers, storage, security, and data center products. At the same time, vigorously developing digital infrastructure construction, intelligent computing and other businesses. The company was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2014Essence

Li Guojie was born in Shaoyang, Hunan Province in May 1943. It is a well -known domestic computer expert. It is mainly engaged in the application basic research and technological development strategic consultation in the fields of computer system structure, artificial intelligence, big data, and future networks.He graduated from the Department of Physics of Peking University in 1968, received a master's degree in computer degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1981, and obtained a doctorate in computer degree from Purdue University in 1985.

In 1995, Li Guojie was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In the same year, he founded Shuguang Information Industry Co., Ltd. and served as chairman.From March 2006 to December 2010, he served as chairman of Tianjin Shuguang Computer Industry Co., Ltd. (formerly the predecessor of Zhongke Shuguang), and since January 2011 as chairman of China Science and Technology Shuguang.He was also a researcher and director of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the National Intelligent Computer Research and Development Center, and dean of the School of Computer and Control of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

For decades, Li Guojie has won many awards, including the highest academic award of the information industry academic conference in 2006, and won the Outstanding Contribution Award of the Chinese Computer Society in 2017.The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences commented that Li Guojie led the Calculation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shuguang Company to make important contributions to the development of China's high -performance computer industry and the development of Longxin high -performance universal CPU chip.

However, the famous computer expert and an old academician who is still in the age of 80, but now he has become the focus of the capital market for suspected violation of stocks.

According to the announcement of the Kuang Shuguang on the evening of April 19, the chairman Li Guojie received a notice from the Securities Regulatory Commission on the same day, and decided to file a case because of his suspected short -term transaction.According to the company, this matter is the personal investigation of Li Guojie, which will not have a significant impact on the operation of the company's board of directors and the company's daily business activities. Li Guojie will actively cooperate with the investigation of the Securities Regulatory Commission.

Disposting his wife's illegal stocks a week ago

One week before Li Guojie was filed for investigation, Zhongke Shuguang just disclosed that Li Guojie's wife, Zhang Tihua, was illegally traded.

The announcement issued on the evening of April 11 shows that Zhang Tihua held the holding of Zhongke Shuguang Stocks from March 3, 2023, and bought a total of buying from March 3, 2023 to March 14, 2024The company's shares were about 3.34 million shares (141 strokes), with a total of about 154 million yuan in cumulative transactions; about 3.34 million shares (91 strokes) were sold, and the total transaction amount was 154 million yuan.The income is about 590,000 yuan.As of the announcement date, Zhang Tihua still holds 700 shares of the company's shares.

According to the provisions of Article 44 of the Securities Law, shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior managers holding more than 5 % of the shares of the Securities Law will hold them (including their spouses, parents, and childrenUse the account held by other people's accounts) The company’s stock or other equity securities sold within six months after buying, or buy it within six months after the sale.Essence

Zhongke Shuguang said that Zhang Tihua failed to correctly understand the relevant laws and regulations of short -term transactions, and there was no subjective and intentional violations.During the transaction period, he did not consult Li Guojie or informed the above transaction behavior. There was no situation of trading company shares due to insider information.The company attaches great importance to the incident and verified the relevant situation in a timely manner. Li Guojie and his spouse Zhang Tihua both apologized for the above -mentioned violations and actively cooperated with the verification.At the same time, in accordance with relevant regulations, Zhang Tihua has put the income of about 590,000 yuan to the company.

Zhang Dihua has been in the year, and the transaction can be said to be extremely frequent.On April 12, the relevant person from China Science and Technology Shuguang once further responded to the reporter of Huaxia Times that Zhang Tihua's stocks used their accounts.His age is high, his physical condition is not good, and his children are not around. Daily shares are used as personal life preferences.The chairman Li Guojie often goes out to participate in academic, industry exchanges and other activities, and has not been promoted and urged in a timely manner.

Short -term trading or insider trading

Is Zhang Tihua's account really controlled?As the CSRC officially filed a case for Li Guojie, the incident was intriguing.Some investors bluntly stated that the CSRC's case on Li Guojie stated that it was not only as simple as his wife's short -term transactions, but it may also involve insider transactions.

In fact, in some cases in the past, the director of the listed company's director and supervisor was to control the inside story transaction by controlling the use of family members' securities accounts.For example, the latest penalty decision announced on April 19 showed that Zhang Zhiyong, chairman of Beijing Digital Technology Co., Ltd., used his wife Zhang's account in insider trading.

Unlike the so -called short -term transactions, the insider trading behavior directly violates and destroys the principles of market information fairness. It is known as the "theft" of the capital market. It is a serious illegal act and may even need to bear criminal liability.The Securities and Futures Commission has previously emphasized that it is necessary to severely crack down on such illegal acts and maintain the normal order of the market.

Financial commentator Zhan Junhao said in an interview with the Huaxia Times reporter that the CSRC's investigation usually means that it has mastered a certain degree of evidence and believes that it is necessary to conduct further investigations.However, the investigation of the case does not mean that the illegal facts of the investigator have been determined, but a formal legal procedure, which aims to further collect evidence to find out the facts of the facts.

"As the chairman, knowing that the company's inside information is yes." Zhang Ye, chairman of Ao You International, pointed out to this reporter that the requirements for constituting insider transactions usually include traders' use of inside information advantages to conduct before the information disclosure.Trading to obtain improper benefits.If Li's behavior conforms to these characteristics, then it may constitute insider trading.

In recent years, illegal and illegal behaviors such as the director of the A -share market and the short -term transactions of their families have been frequent.Bai Wenxi, deputy director of the Chinese Enterprise Capital Alliance, suggested that strict supervision mechanisms should be established, relevant supervision should be strengthened, and illegal acts should be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner.At the same time, we will increase the punishment of violations, increase the cost of violations, and form an effective deterrent.

On the evening of April 19th and 20th, the reporter repeatedly contacted Zhongke Shuguang Securities Department and the relevant person in charge to seek comment on the evening of April 19 and 20, but failed to respond.The company stated in the announcement that it will continue to pay attention to the progress of the above matters and perform information disclosure obligations in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

On April 19, the stock price of Zhongke Shuguang fell 4.45%to 44.67 yuan/share, and the latest market value was about 65 billion yuan.According to the company's recent financial report, its revenue in 2023 was 14.353 billion yuan, an increase of 10.34%year -on -year, and net profit was 1.836 billion yuan, an increase of 18.88%year -on -year.

Editor -in -chief: Editor -in -Chief of Ma Xiao Chao: Xia Shencha