Hubei Daily WeChat public account news, the sixth plenary session of the 12th Committee of the Communist Party of China Hubei Province was held in Wuhan on April 19.

The plenary session reviewed and passed the review report of the CPC Hubei Provincial Disciplinary Inspection Commission on Comrade Li Tao's serious violations of discipline and law. The previous decision made by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to the party's decision to withdraw from the party's duties.

Public information shows that Li Tao has served as the mayor of Jingmen City and deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee.This is the first time that he has disclosed that he has seriously violated discipline and has been revoked in the party.

Li Tao

The list of members of the 12th Committee of the Communist Party of China Hubei Province showed that one person named Li Tao.

In November 2022, Li Tao was interviewed as a member of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the mayor of Jingmen City.

Public resumes show that Li Tao was born in 1971.Former: Deputy Director of the Office of the Hubei Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial SASAC Office, Deputy Director and Director of the Personnel Education Department, and the head of Hong'an County.

In 2009, Li Tao served as Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Grain Bureau, in 2011 as the Standing Committee of the Jingmen Municipal Committee, and later served as Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jingmen High -tech Industrial Development Zone.

In 2016, Li Tao served as member of the Standing Committee of the Jingmen Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Government Party Group, and Deputy Mayor.

In June 2021, Li Tao was the mayor of Jingmen City. In January 2023, he resigned as the mayor of Jingmen City. The report of the same month showed that he had served as the deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee (the main hall).

On March 20 this year, Li Tao led the team to investigate as the Hubei Provincial Party Committee's United Front Secondary Inspector .