The Solomon Islands held a general election on Wednesday (April 17). Martin Fini, the elderly governor of Malaita, province in the archipelago, was defeated in national elections.This means that the influence of Beijing's establishment in the Solomon Islands is severely damaged.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Reuters reported that the Election Commission said on Friday (April 19) that Phoeniste was defeated when the election was re -elected.

The Chinese ambassador to the Solomon Islands Li Ming said in March last March to meet with the provincial government delegation led by the Phoeni, saying that Phoenishae said that the central government's policy of supporting the Central Government was soon expressed.The development of the relationship between the provinces to China.

Pholy also signed a memorandum of understanding with Jiangsu Province recently, but he failed to re -election, making the future of this agreement unknown.

In addition, the Solomon Islands National Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) reported on Friday morning that former Governor Daniel Suidani, the former governor of Maleta, was again elected as a member of the Malaca Provincial Council, his new party U4CIt also participated in the national election.

When Su Dani served as governor, Chinese companies banned Chinese companies from entering Maleta and accepting US development assistance.After Sudani stepped down in the unwilling voting of members of the parliament because of refusing to recognize China last year, Feni replaced him and became the new governor.

Sudani said that he will now seek to serve as Governor of Maleta again, and says that Phoeni pursues a closer relationship with China and has caused him to be unable to re -election.He said that the people of Malays did not agree with what the governance government did in the past 12 months, including establishing a relationship with Jiangsu Province, China, and "all these things created all this."

The Solomon Islands has strengthened relations with China in recent years. The Alliance government led by Prime Minister Sogovre signed a security agreement with China in 2022, causing the attention of the United States and Australia.

In the five years after Sogovre's administration, the Solomon Islands received a large number of Chinese assistance and investment.Sogovre vowed to further deepen relations with China if he was successfully re -elected.

The 50 members of the Solomon Islands National Council were elected. The results of the seats are expected to be announced next Monday (April 22).After voters voted to choose parliament members, candidates who intend to strive to become the Prime Minister will try to form a ruling alliance, and then vote for the new Prime Minister by parliamentarians.