Pan Gongsheng, president of the People's Bank of China, said that all parties should cooperate to promote the reform of the International Monetary Fund.

According to China News Agency, the People's Bank of China released on Sunday (April 21) that at the 49th International Currency and Financial Committee (IMFC) meeting recently held by the International Monetary Fund, Pan Gongsheng spokeIt is said that the proportion adjustment adjustment is essential for fund organizational governance, representativeness and legitimacy.

He said that all parties should cooperate to promote the reform of the fund organization share, reach consensus on the new share formula as soon as possible, and lay the foundation for the adjustment of the proportion of share.

The meeting reiterated that the strong support, share -based and resource -sufficient fund organizations are the core of the global financial security network.The overall arrangement includes a new share formula.

The conference supports fund organizations to continue to help member states to cope with debt risks. Welcome the recent progress of low -income countries' debt processing, and look forward to reviewing and improving the Fund Organization and World Bank's low -income national debt sustainability analysis framework.

Pan Gongsheng believes that debt handling should adhere to the principle of "common action and fair burden", and multilateral development banks should make due contributions, and private sector creditors should participate in the reorganization in comparable ways.

The meeting also mentioned that the global economy is tough and is expected to achieve soft landing, but the recovery is still uneven in all countries.The current work focuses on achieving stability of prices, strengthening fiscal sustainability, maintaining financial stability, and promoting tolerance and sustainable economic growth.