On the afternoon of April 22, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released news that the three central management cadres were expelled from the party, namely the original deputy director of the National Committee of the CPPCC Population Resources and Environment, the former party secretary and chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CPPCC; Member of the former party group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, former party secretary and director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Ling Chengxing, former general manager of China Tobacco Corporation; Zhang Xiulong, former deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Chang'an Street Knowledge (WeChat ID: CapitalNews) The above three were investigated in October last year, and they were suspected of bribery crimes.In addition, Ling Chengxing was suspected of abusing his authority for state -owned company personnel.

Zhang Xiulong Information Map

Zhang Xiulong was born in May 1958. He was born in Huaihua, Hunan. Since 2013, he has successively served as vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region CPPCC, vice chairman of the autonomous region government, and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region. He retired in 2022 and in October 2023Official announcement was investigated.

The report shows that Zhang Xiulong lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, and implemented the party ’s central government's major decision -making and deployment.

Violation of the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, accepting a banquet that may affect the execution of official duties;

Do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, it is better to explain the problem during the organization letter. In the selection and appointment of cadres, we can seek benefits and receive property for others in the work of cadres;

The bottom line of integrity is lost, the gift is received in violation of regulations, and a large return is obtained through private lending.

Inaccurate performing their duties, blindly bonds;

The public power alienation is alienated into a tool for seeking private interest, doing great power and money transactions, and using job convenience to profit for others in project contracting and corporate operations, and illegally accept huge property.


Han Yong Data Map

Han Yong was born in October 1956. Jiutai, Jilin, worked in Jilin and Xinjiang. In January 2016, he served as secretary and chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial CPPCC. From March 2022 to March 2023Deputy Director of the Resources and Environment Committee, the official announcement was investigated in October 2023.

The notification shows that Han Yong lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, was indifferent to political consciousness, dared not assume struggle, and made political scammers and engaged in political speculation;

Violation of the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, and accept the banquets and tourism activities arranged by others in violation of regulations;

In violation of the organization principles, let people have a profit, selling officials;

The bottom line of integrity is lost, the gift is received in violation of the rules, and the house is purchased at a low price in violation of the regulations;

illegal intervention and intervening of discipline law enforcement activities;

Family style is not right;

Public power is used as a tool to seize private interests, conducts power and money transactions, and uses job convenience to make profitable people in terms of corporate operations, cadre appointments, and engineering contracting, and illegally accept huge property.

Ling Chengxing Data Map

Ling Chengxing was born in October 1957. He is a master in Jiangxi. He worked in Jiangxi in his early years and was a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and executive deputy governor.In May 2013, he served as a member of the Party Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the party secretary, director, director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, and general manager of China Tobacco Corporation. He retired in 2018 and was announced in October 2023.

The report shows that Ling Chengxing loses his ideals and beliefs, deviates from the principles of party spirit, and fights for organizational review;

Ignoring the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, accepting the banquet illegally, and accepting the living service guarantee provided by others;

Do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, seek benefits for relatives in terms of employment and other aspects, and seek benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres;

Gifts to receive gifts illegally, seek special treatment for relatives in terms of transportation and medical care;

Do not pay attention to the construction of the family style, and dismiss the tutor of family members;

The public power given by the party and the people is alienated into a tool for seeking private interest, relying on smoke to smoke, collect money to collect money, and use job convenience to benefit others in terms of enterprise operations, employees, and job promotion.Property;

Fraud and abuse of power have caused particularly major losses in national interests.