Reporter Qu Yixian, Economic Observation Network On April 18, the Economic Observation Network learned from multiple sources that Zhang Ming, the leader of the National Medical Insurance Bureau's price recruitment expert group, has recently undergone investigations by relevant departments.

Zhang Ming has served as the director of the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Concentration Bidding Procurement Management Office, and has deeply participated in the entire process of domestic exploration of the domestic collection system from local exploration and "4+7" cities to normalization.

A person close to the National Medical Insurance Bureau's price recruitment expert group said that in March of this year, the National Medical Insurance Bureau's price recruitment expert group held a meeting, and Zhang Ming attended the meeting.

In October 2023, the National Medical Insurance Bureau held a press conference.At this press conference, Zhang Ming responded to the issue of whether the significant price reduction of drugs in the collection of drugs will affect the quality of the drug.

The Shanghai Medical Concentrated Bidding Procurement Management Institute was established in July 2000. It is a public institution affiliated to the Shanghai Medical Security Bureau and a working institution for the centralized bidding and procurement of Shanghai Medicine.

The main responsibilities of the National Medical Insurance Bureau's price recruitment expert group include: providing consultation and argumentation for the formulation of relevant national and local policies, providing operational guidance on the implementation of relevant policies; studying follow -up analysis of foreign drugs and medical consumables Price policy and concentrated procurement practices and experiences, and put forward suggestions for the implementation of relevant policies for the formulation of international experience in my country; evaluate the implementation of the implementation and policy effects of centralized procurement of drugs and medical consumables; ; Undertake other matters assigned by the State Medical Security Bureau.