According to Weibo@<<

The full text of the statement is as follows:

Xue Wei, a retired teacher of our school, released relevant information on the Internet on April 4th that the official opening of a teacher platform for the Central Conservatory of Music was revealed.The school's party committee attaches great importance to this, and immediately investigate and verify in accordance with the rules and disciplines.

The Central Conservatory of Music has always attached great importance to the construction of teachers and morality, and it is not tolerated to anyone who stepped on the red line and the bottom line.At the same time, the network space is not a place outside the law. The Central Music Institute will investigate its legal responsibilities in accordance with the law for rumors and rumors, slander the slander, and damage the school's reputation.

Central Conservatory of Music

April 13, 2024

According to Surging News, today, a brief introduction to a Weibo account of a account of "Xue Wei, a professor of the Central Conservatory of Music" stated that he publicly collected the illegal clue of Tong Moumou, director of the orchestra department of the same school.Report account profile shows "internationally renowned violin players, educators, professors of the Central Conservatory of Music, Master's Graduate Tutor, etc.".