Tang Shuangning, former chairman of China -large State -owned Financial Holding Corporation, was prosecuted.

The Chinese Supreme People's Procuratorate released news on Friday (April 12). Tang Shuangning, former party committee secretary and chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., was suspected of corruption and bribery.The Procuratorate shall be specified in accordance with the law that the People's Procuratorate of Tangshan City, Hebei Province is reviewed and prosecuted.

The procuratorial organs sued accused that Tang Shuangning used the convenience of serving as the director of the Division of the People's Bank of China.The Director of the People's Bank of China Banking Supervision, member of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Bank of China Supervision and Administration Commission, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., Secretary of the Party Committee of Everbright Bank, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of Everbright Bank, etc.Loan acquisition and other matters seek benefits for others, illegally accepting other people's property, and the amount is particularly huge. It should be held criminally responsible for corruption and bribery.

Public information shows that Tang Shuangning was the chairman of the Everbright Group in 2007 and retired in 2017.Six years later, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced in July last year that Tang Shuangning was investigated for serious disciplinary violations.On January 6 this year, Tang Shuangning was expelled from the Communist Party of China.

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Tang Shuangning weakened the CCP's leadership of state -owned enterprises to prevent resolving difficulty in financial risks.