Writing 丨 Dong Xin

On the occasion of National Security Education Day, on April 14, the official WeChat public account of the Ministry of National Security launched a special film innovation leader.Ten major spy cases cracked by national security organs since the 20th National Congress.

Among them, Liang Chengyun's case .

Liang Chengyun has been in the United States for more than 30 years, because the American spy intelligence agency has collected a large number of information -related information, and has also been awarded the "merit medal" by the United States.

"I regret it, I want to tell all the Chinese and Chinese, their (US) sweet words are fake." In the special film, a white -haired Liang Chengyun was transported out of the mirror.

In March of this year, during the National Two Sessions, Zhang Jun, the President of the Supreme People's Court, mentioned in the work report of the Supreme People's Court that "punish Liang Chengyun who engaged in spy activities in accordance with the law, forming a strong deterrent" Essence

Liang Chengyun was born in Hong Kong, China in 1945, and went to the United States to operate restaurants in 1983.

In 1986, the US spy intelligence organs repeatedly interviewed Liang Chengyun and asked Liang Chengyun to cooperate with them.

In 1989, the American spy intelligence agency and Liang Chengyun officially signed a cooperation agreement to recruit him as a liner.In the same year, Liang Chengyun joined the United States.

According to the Ministry of National Security, the U.S. spy intelligence agency has fictional resumes for Liang Chengyun, including his resumes such as studying universities in the UK, holding officials in the United Nations, and going to war in Vietnam.

The American Spy Intelligence Organ also commands Liang Chengyun to serve among many overseas Chinese communities through donations.In order to expand the popularity of Liang Chengyun in China, the United States leads it to China to carry out charity donations to try to build it as a "patriotic charity".

The national security organs have found that under the command of the American spy intelligence agency, Liang Chengyun has launched spy intelligence activities in my country.

In the United States, he obtained intelligence from my country's institutions and personnel in the United States by clinging to thorns, monitoring theft, and fishing law enforcement.

Entering my country's territory, he frequently participated in various social activities and extensively exposed people from all walks of life in my country to spy and collect information.

In order to encourage Liang Chengyun to carry out spy intelligence activities more, the head of the headquarters of the American Spy Intelligence Agency has also awarded him the "Merit Merit".

In April 2021, after the national security organs mastered a series of conclusive evidence that Liang Chengyun was engaged in spy intelligence activities, he arrested him.

In May 2023, the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court was tried in accordance with the law and was sentenced publicly on May 15, 2023.One hundred thousand yuan.

The topic film also disclosed the picture of Liang Chengyun.

The Ministry of National Security pointed out that Our party's political and military agencies, military industry enterprises, scientific research institutes and other core positions and college teachers and students are the key goals of overseas spy intelligence agencies to carry out intelligence collection and penetration of secret theft.

Through various methods such as emotional attracting, erosion, corruption, money purchase, and help, they tried their best to attract cadres, scientific researchers, overseas staff and even Chinese overseas Chinese, which pose a serious threat to our country.

In addition to Liang Chengyun's case, the special film also disclosed multiple cases.

Huang Yu case

Huang Yu was born on July 28, 1974. He was born in Zigong City, Sichuan Province. He is a computer major and has worked in a secret scientific research unit.

The end of the unit's reform was eliminated, and Huang Yu was notified to wait.He believes that the leader is crowding himself. Out of resentment, he sells national secrets to overseas spy agencies, and the revenge unit sends huge benefits at the same time.

What is worse is that he also deceived his wife who worked in the same unit and copied confidential materials in exchange for more remuneration.

According to CCTV reports, investigators of the Chengdu National Security Bureau introduced that at about nine o'clock in the morning, Huang Yuqian bicycle took the child to go out. After he sent the child to kindergarten, he implemented a secret grasp of Huang Yu.catch.

In May 2016, Huang Yu was executed.

Houmou's case

Hou Moumou is an important secret -related personnel in a national defense army unit in my country.While being sent abroad as a visiting scholar, he was countered by the country's spy intelligence agency.

After returning to the country, Hou Moumou was lucky, deliberately concealed his experience of being rebelled, and still kept in touch with the other party.

The national security organs have found that Hou Moumou has provided a large number of intelligence information in the field of national defense and army in the field of national defense.It has been identified by relevant departments, involving 2 unbalanced levels, three confidential levels, and 6 secrets, which has serious harm to our national security and interests.

In July 2021, Hou Moumou was transferred to the court for trial.

Zheng Yu case

Zheng Yuqin is from Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Under his suggestion, the Taiwan Military Intelligence Bureau established the Czech Republic of China Institute of Political Economic and Economic Research, and he served as the person in charge of the office.Zheng Yuqin uses the title and Professor of Charlie University to participate in the international conference, collect and understand the country's views on major matters in Chinese politics, national defense, technology, military industry and other fields, and establish contact with the scholars from the motherland.Various opportunities to climb the people in the Czech embassy, ​​overseas Chinese community, and public service group.

Zheng Yuqin deliberately marked the contact information of the Taiwan spy intelligence agency as the "tax refund center" and signed spy funds with a name.As of the incident, Taiwan spy issued a total of NT $ 2.76 million to Zheng Yuqin.

In April 2019, when Zheng Yuqin entered the mainland, he was arrested by the national security organs for suspected spy.

In February 2022, Zheng Yuqin was sentenced to 7 years in prison.

Zhang Xiangbin case

Zhang Xiangbin was originally a cadre of a certain ministries and commissions in a country where a country was resident.During his abroad, he met a certain person who claimed to be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The other party not only helped Zhang Xiangbin to improve the level of foreign language translation, but also actively solved his difficulties in his work and life.

After the two parties gradually turned from official connection to secret exchanges, the other party asked Zhang Xiangbin to provide information with high rewards.In the past few years, Zhang Xiangbin ignored national interests and work discipline and served as a spy for foreign governments.

Zhang Xiangbin also developed into a lover with female government officials in the country and gave birth to two illegitimate children, becoming a powerful handle of the spy intelligence agency to control him.

Before resigning from the unit, Zhang Xiangbin collected a large amount of files and materials from the unit's computer and internal network, and even disassembled the computer host to copy files and illegally carried it abroad.After investigation by the national security organs, Zhang Xiangbin had 5,200 documents in private, of which 59 were bidding, 848 confidential levels, and 541 secrets.

In February 2019, Zhang Xiangbin was sentenced to death for two years for a two -year suspension of the crime of spy and illegally obtaining national secrets.

Information | CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency, Global Network, etc.