After half a year of investigation, the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong announced late at night on Friday (April 12). The report on the report made by the special responsibility team showed that the charges of improper behavior of the principal Zhang Xiang were not established.

Comprehensive newspaper Xingdao Daily and the online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong established the five -person special responsibility group in October last year to investigate many anonymous emails of the principal Zhang Xiang.The president and vice president of the medical school, the practice of handling donations in mainland China, the use of university funds to use university funds, and the bidding of the principal's car.

The Hong Kong University School Committee issued a statement on Friday night that the anonymous allegations submitted by the special responsibility group had accepted the evidence that the special responsibility team submitted.Essence

Zhang Xiang, president of the University of Hong Kong, also issued a statement on Friday night, saying that after a half -year investigation, the special responsibility team finally confirmed that the anonymous "whistle" was not established to all his allegations, and he was innocent.

Zhang Xiang believes that the rumor -madeer has a serious slander of slander and the university through anonymous emails, and should be strongly condemned, and calls on the university to carefully use the "whistle" anonymous reporting system.During the disclosure, respecting and protecting the rights and interests of being reported, preventing the mechanism from being abused, and eliminating the wrongdoing of slander, accusing and framing others.

Zhang Xiang said that although the investigation report confirmed his innocence, the incident caused difficulty in making up for the University of Hong Kong, which derived at least three problems, that is, colleagues are now afraid of being involved in the missed complaints.It seriously affects daily work; the development plan of university is difficult to advance, and some of them are even forced to suspend; the global recruitment talent plan is frustrated, and some of the top international scholars who have signed a contract with the University of Hong Kong have followed.