(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) After half a year of investigation, the University of Hong Kong was announced late on Friday (April 12) that the charges of the principal Zhang Xiang had not been established before the management of the university's improper property.

The storm broke out last September last year last year , All members of the Hong Kong University Council Commission received an anonymous complaint, saying that Zhang Xiang hired a headhunter company in the United States without the bidding process to recruit and purchase 2.05 million Hong Kong dollars (360,000 yuan) BMW.Donation funds, as well as the restaurant restaurant restaurant with university funds.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio and Ming Pao reported that anonymous complaints were controversial. The Hong Kong University Committee of the University of Hong Kong set up a five -person special responsibility group for investigation and issued a statement on Friday night that the investigation report submitted by the special responsibility group stated that according to the team can master the group, it can be mastered by the group to master the group.Evidence is not enough to establish improper allegations of the principal in the anonymous email last year.

Zhang Xiang issued a statement that night to respond that the investigation report "finally returned me to be innocent", but the incident caused by the harm caused to the University of Hong Kong.

Zhang Xiang said that the rumors seriously slandered him and the university through anonymous emails, and such behavior should be strongly condemned.Universities must carefully use the "whistle" anonymous reporting system. When the truth of the incident is unknown, they respect and protect the rights and interests of the reporters and prevent the mechanism from being abused.

He pointed out that many colleagues are currently afraid of being involved in a false complaint, which seriously affects daily work; university development plans are difficult to advance, and some are even forced to suspend; the global recruitment talent plan is frustrated.It's further.

He said that he hoped that the operation of the Hong Kong Grand to return to the right track, allowing colleagues to actively invest in work and recover the opportunities and time of being wasted.

Zhang Xiang is a Chinese -American scientist. He was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. He graduated from Nanjing University undergraduate and obtained a doctorate in the United States.Before serving as the president of the University of Hong Kong in 2016, he had worked in the United States for many years, but because of the background of mainland China, he was elected as a foreign academician in 2015, causing questions from many teachers and students and alumni of the University of Hong Kong.

During the 2019 Hong Kong Repair Case, he publicly condemned the demonstrators as the principal. In addition, he had reformed and simplified procedures since he served as the president of the University of Hong Kong, which caused disputes several times.