According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on April 11, Liu Zhongyi and Hu Binyun served as assistant to the Minister of the Ministry of Public Security. This is also a short time after nearly three years, the Minister of Public Security was supplemented.Liu Zhongyi had previously been the director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and was a famous criminal investigation expert. He had led the detection of murder cases such as Gansu's silver series rape and murder cases.Hu Binyun was previously the director of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, a master's degree in criminal crimes of Cambridge University in the UK, and has long been responsible for international police cooperation.

It is worth mentioning that since 2023, the international police of the Ministry of Public Security has frequently launched a frequent cooperation in the Ministry of Public Security. It has carried out special actions with Myanmar and Thailand to strictly fight criminal activities such as telecommunications network fraud and population.Follow the international community.The latest data show that a total of 48,000 suspects involved in fraud involved in fraud were transferred to return home, and in special operations, the Criminal Investigation Bureau and the National United Bureau were important leaders.

Liu Zhongyi.Data diagram

Liu Zhongyi: Famous Criminal Investigation Experts, have detected difficult murders such as silver serial killing

Liu Zhongyi was born in Heilongjiang in 1965. He graduated from Heilongjiang Provincial Police Academy in 1985. In his early years, he was a security police officer of the Hegang Public Security Bureau. He was transferred to the criminal investigation system.In January 2001, he was transferred to the Interpol Corps of the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department, and successively served as the deputy chief and captain.

During the work of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department, Liu Zhongyi had worked with Cui Daozhi, the first generation of criminal technology police officers of the national public security, and the traces of the Chinese chief gun bullet identification.Students of Wu Guoqing, chief of the Ministry of Public Security, invited Wu Guoqing, a criminal investigation expert.

The policemen who are familiar with Liu Zhongyi said that Liu Zhongyi has outstanding business capabilities and low -key. In January 2011, Liu Zhongyi was transferred to the Ministry of Public Security due to his outstanding professional ability.During his tenure in the Ministry of Public Security, Liu Zhongyi successively served as deputy inspector of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

Shortly after the Ministry of Public Security Ministry of Public Security, in 2014, Liu Zhongyi organized the Grand Bang of Kaili Gun Gambling den; in 2016, the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security announced the operation of murder cases.Essence

At that time, the police world had different voices for this tackling operation. These cases were mostly called "Century Hanging Cases". Most of the cases of the case were more than 10 years ago, and the longest was nearly 30 years.Problems such as incompleteness, loss of on -site, and insufficient confidence in the police are hard bones.Some people say: "These cases have been repeated in the past for many years?" But Liu Zhongyi said that the new generation of criminal investigators must dare to take responsibility and strive for tackling, strive to detect the murder case, and give the people to the people.

At that time, the Ministry of Public Security selected 9 special cases, including the "1988 · 5 to 2002 · 2" series of rape and killing women who shocked Gansu "1988 · 5 to 2002 · 2".According to media reports, Liu Zhongyi led the working group to arrive in Silver and directly organized the detection operation of the Gansu public security organs. He found the relatives of the suspect with DNA technology, and captured the real murderer Gao Chengyong.Since then, Shanxi Yixian County has been harmed in the case of harming young girls and Su Xiangqing series of gun robbery and killing. In the end, there were nine major murder cases, and 7 successfully reported.

Hu Binyun.Data diagram

Hu Binyun: Master of Cambridge, long -term responsible for international police cooperation

Hu Binyun, a assistant to the Minister of the Following Minister, was born in 1971. He has a postgraduate degree in his job.The deputy director and director of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, a member of the executive committee of the International Interpol Organization in 2021 for a term of three years.It is reported that the International Cooperation Bureau is usually responsible for cooperating with the police of various countries to investigate cases, hunting the fugitives, and participating in major special joint operations.

In 2008, Hu Binyun, then director of the US Dada Department of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, was interviewed by CCTV. In order to ensure the smooth hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games, foreign police officials had been urgently contacting foreign police officials at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.EssenceThis is one of his few public reports.Since 2023, the Ministry of Public Security has carried out international police cooperation many times, especially to severely crack down on Northern Myanmar ’s telecommunications network fraud criminal activities, which has attracted the attention of the international community.Focus on participating units.

Since last year, the Ministry of Public Security issued a number of red wanted orders for the leadership of the Electric Scam Troupe of Burmese and North. Most of the important leaders of the four major families of Northern Myanmar's telecommunications network fraud were arrested. As of now, 48,000 criminal criminal crimes involved in telecommunications network -related online scams in northern Myanmar have now.The suspect was transferred to China.

After the two played the new, the Ministry of Public Security ’s vacant minister assistance in the shortage of the Ministry of Public Security was supplemented. Former Minister Chen Siyuan Chen Siyuan was promoted to a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security in June 2021, and concurrently served as the Party Committee of the First Bureau of the Ministry of Public SecuritySecretary and director.

Caiwan: Nandu reporter Guo Ruomei Jiang Xiaotian from Beijing