In the parliamentary election held in advance on Sunday, the three main political groups of the left, middle schools and right -wing have obtained a large number of votes, but they are far from absolute majority.Uncertainty.

The preliminary results subverted the general prediction of winning the National Alliance of the Anti -Immigration Party led by Le Pen.The party occupies a dominant position in the first round of voting a week ago.On the contrary, the left -wing "New People's Front" won 177 seats.

The middle school led by President Macron ranked second with 148 seats. He announced a general election a month ago, causing the country to be turbulent.Followed by the National Alliance and its allies, they got 142 seats.

With the 577 seats in the National Assembly, the New York Times confirmed the previous predictions based on the data compiled by the French Ministry of the French Ministry of the French Ministry of the French Ministry of the Ministry of France -no political party or group will win most of the seats.

The details of this result may change, but it is obvious that the "Republic Front" that the intermediate and left wing hurriedly formed in the second round of voting played a large extent.Candidates from all over France have withdrawn from the three parties and called for unity to oppose the party of Le Pen.

"The President is now responsible for calling for the 'New People's Front' in power," said the extremely polar left -wing leader, the most polarization of the left -wing league -Luke Melangxiong."We are ready."

However, the Paris Olympic Games will open within less than three weeks, and France is almost impossible to control.The left -wing forces are surging, and the seats of the National League in the National Assembly have increased dozens of. Macron's political party has suffered a painful

As a result, the council with the largest legislative power is seriously different. It seems that the governing alliance cannot be established immediately. Macron's middle school is sandwiched between the extreme right and the extreme left. These two groups hate each other and hate Macron.Essence

Le Pen's disciples Joseda Baldala had led the National Alliance to win in the European Parliament election and the first round of legislative agencies in the last month.He said that the left -wing alliance frustrated the absolute majority of the National Alliance to strive for the absolute majority. It was a "shameful alliance" and said that Macron made France in the "uncertain and unstable".

Although the seats of the National Alliance are less than expected, it now occupies a place in French politics. It has erased the political pattern of the post -war and based on such a concept.The history of Utinism is therefore not equipped with power positions.

Le Pen denied the past.However, even after changing the face, the party's core information is still: immigrants have diluted the glorious national identity of France, and they need to tighten the border and implement stricter supervision.Benefit.

France refuses to accept this vision, but with an overwhelming majority voting support change.It does not want to repeat the same mistakes.It sent a harsh information to the elites of the parent community gathered around Macron.Macron's term is limited and must be stepped down in 2027.

"France is more split than ever," said the famous political scientist, writer Alan Diamel."We have understood that Macron dissolution the parliament and holding an election is a very bad idea."

Nowadays, President Biden President Biden is trying to fight against the "US priority" nationalist concept of former President Trump, and the long -term political deadlock in France may exacerbate the unstable international situation.Le Pen, who has a close relationship with Russia for a long time, has always tried to reshape himself as a cautious supporter in Ukraine, but there is no doubt that Moscow will welcome the increasing influence of the National Alliance.

The "New People's Front" campaign program includes raising the minimum monthly wage standard in France, dropping the legal retirement age from 64 to 60, re -levying wealth taxes, frozen energy and natural gas prices.The alliance stated that she would make the asylum procedures more generous and smooth, rather than cutting immigrants as the National Alliance promised.


program also stated that the "New People's Front" supports Ukraine against Russia's struggle to fight for freedom and calls on President Putin to "take responsibility for his crimes in front of international justice."

When France faces a budget deficit that is expanding, how the alliance's economic plan will obtain funds and how to implement the parenting immigration policy.Essence


Inside the "New People's Front", there is a serious difference between mild socialist and extreme left. It has the support of young people in the first round of voting.outstanding.

Melangxiong strongly supports Palestine's position in these areas, but he seems to cross the bottom line of anti-Semitism. He accused the National Assembly of the Jewish Speaker Yael Brown Perveville"Holocaust", this position caused anger.When talking about the large -scale demonstration of anti -Semitism in November last year, he said, "The fellow people who support the Massacre unconditional to the Holocaust have gathered together."

Macron held an election in advance, but he bet the bet in himself who can still become a united person who opposes extreme forces.In fact, after seven years in power, he has lost the charm of being such a character.When he came to power in 2017, he announced that the left and right are all outdated labels.Now the division of left and right is back.

However, Macron's intermediate alliance is better than expected in the final round of voting, and he can continue to fight.

Macron seems to have two options now, but excluding resignation, because he vowed not to consider resignation.

First of all, trying to build a extensive alliance, it may extend from the left wing to the remaining gentlely Dai Gaulle conservatives. Some of them broke the taboos during the campaign and formed an alliance with the National Alliance.

This possibility seems very slim.Macron did not hide his strong disgust with Melangxiong; the same is true of Melangxiong to Macron.

The second choice is that Macron formed a certain form of guarding the government to deal with the current affairs, which looks not so ambitious.

For example, Macron may require former prime ministers from the middle school party -including his own political party, the Socialist Party, and the middle and right Republican Party -proposed a government composed of technical bureaucrats or well -known people. These people can be one in the future.The annual process of limited agenda.

According to the constitution, it must be at least one year before the next parliamentary election.

Even if it is forced to "share power" with the Perhaps Prime Minister, Macron may still be able to play a great influence in diplomatic and military affairs. This is the traditional exclusive field of the President of the Fifth Republic of France.

As an enthusiastic supporter of the EU with 27 member states, he will undoubtedly continue to promote the "European power" of more integrated army, defense industry and technology research, but his influence may be due to domestic domesticWeak and weakened.The National Alliance hopes to weaken the European Union.

Macron was once tempting to reconcile with Russian President Putin, but now he has become a firm supporter of Ukraine for freedom.It is only four months since the US presidential election, and people are increasingly doubting whether the West is willing to continueUkraine offers weapons and funds.

Russia obviously believes that France will shake."The French people are seeking a sovereign diplomatic policy that meets national interests and get rid of the dominance of Washington and Brussels," saying a few days ago in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs."French officials cannot ignore the profound changes in the attitude of most citizens."

In short, France is facing huge uncertainty at home and abroad.In the next few months, the possibility of constitutional crisis cannot be ruled out in the next few months.The upcoming middle school prime minister Gabriel Attal filed a resignation on the day, he claimed that "tonight, due to our determination and values, extremists cannot control the absolute majority."

He claims that he has achieved a small victory, but of course the middle school has not achieved such a majority.

Different European countries including Belgium, Italy, and Germany, France does not conduct several months of negotiations between political parties with different views to set up a tradition of complex co -government, nor does it not form a tradition of the guardian alliance.EssenceIn fact, Da Gogho designed the Fifth Republic in 1958 to end the turbulent and short -lived government of the Parliament of the Fourth Republic.

For Macron's mysterious decisions of the mysterious decision of the election, there is a saying that, in the case of the National Alliance's ruling and the Prime Minister of the Bal Elela, the aura of the extremely right -wing party will fade before the 2027 presidential election.

This is another gambling. Based on such a point: it is much easier to attack the government than making difficult government decisions.Macron does not want to give the keys to Lechong in the Palace of President's residence three years later.

In this sense, the results of the election may confuse Macron and benefit Le Pen.She showed her increasing popularity, but her party did not bear the heavy responsibility of governing.On the other hand, the French who resisted the right right wing in power were once again reflected.