Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the Chinese Permanent Representative of the United Nations, said that the US military interference in Afghanistan has created a huge disaster for the people of Afghanistan.Of.

According to the news of the Chinese permanent United Nations delegation website on Friday (June 21), Geng Shuang said at the Afghanistan issue in the Security Council that the third Afghanistan special envoy meeting will be on June 30As of July 1st, the Afghan Interim Government has confirmed the meeting.China looks forward to strengthening exchanges and interchanging with the temporary government of Afghanistan, and start a new chapter in the international community with Afghanistan contacts with Afghanistan.

Geng Shuang said that the secretary -general's report pointed out that about 23.7 million Afghan people need humanitarian assistance this year, and 90 % of the families have difficulty supporting themselves.16.2%in place.The Security Council should call on the donor to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, avoid significantly cutting funds, and effectively implement the concern for the people of Afghanistan.

He continued to point out that the US military interference in Afghanistan created a huge disaster to the people of Afghanistan, leaving serious trauma, and should be responsible for historical responsibilities.It's it.

Geng Shuang said that the illegal unilateral sanctions on Afghanistan's implementation of Afghanistan have severely damaged the financial system of Afghanistan, affecting the normal operation of enterprises, interfere with foreign economic and trade exchanges, and become a prominent factor that hinders Afghanistan development.The Security Council should urge the relevant countries to immediately terminate unilateral sanctions unconditionally, and return the frozen overseas assets of Afghanistan in full, providing due resources for promoting the development of Afghanistan.

He also said that the current "Islamic State", "base" organization, and "East Irana" and other Afghan terror forces are still active, threatening Afghanistan and international and regional security.The Security Council should urge the temporary government of Afghanistan to take strong measures to resolutely crack down on all horror behaviors and not provide asylum places for any terrorist forces.

Geng Shuang finally said that as a friendly neighbor Afghanistan, China has always firmly supported Afghanistan's peaceful and stability and development and prosperity, and will continue to provide the help of the Afghan people.

After the terrorist attack in September 11 in 2001, the United States launched the Afghan war, and NATO military forces entered Afghanistan.In 2021, US President Biden announced that the U.S. military in Afghanistan began withdrawal on May 1 and completed the withdrawal operation on August 30 of the same year.

After the U.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan disintegrated, and Taliban officially took over Afghanistan.The U.S. government does not recognize Afghanistan regime, sanction and frozen the Taliban government's overseas assets, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also cut off its funding assistance to Afghanistan.