(Manila Comprehensive) The Philippine military released a video of a collision with Chinese ships on Monday with Chinese ships in the South China Sea."Like a pirate."

The China -Philippine ships collided on Monday (June 17) in a disputed waters in the South China Sea. The two countries pointed out that each other must be responsible for the incident.

The Philippine Armed Forces announced on Wednesday (19th) for the first time in multiple on -site videos, and pointed out that the Chinese Maritime Police threw tear gas bombs, stones, and used dazzling flash lights to the Philippine navy personnel.

According to the confrontation picture released by the Philippines, when the alarm sounded, the Chinese maritime police shouted loudly, waving weapons such as sticks, tools and axes, and threw stones and other items to the Filipino personnel, as well as using other items, as well as using it, as well as using it, as well as using it.Stick hit the Fiffang inflatable boat.

The Philippine Army claims that a Chinese maritime police holding a ax threatened to hurt a Philippine Navy; a Philippine Navy was cut off in the confrontation."In this violent conflict, the Chinese maritime police also fired tear bomb, which exacerbated confusion."

The Commander -in -chief of the Philippine Armed Forces, Blauna, said: "In my opinion, this is the actions of pirates. Their (Chinese Maritime Police) illegally boarded our ships and snatched our equipment ...The same. "

The Chinese official media has also released the video of the day of the incident. No Chinese personnel wave their weapons in the video.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the Chinese Maritime Police's law enforcement was restrained at the time and said that they did not take measures directly to the Filipino staff.China has also urged the Philippines to "immediately stop infringing provocations."

Earlier, the Chinese maritime police pointed out that the danger of the Fili supply ship was close to and intentionally collided with the normal sailing of China, forcing China to take control measures such as warning blocking, boarding inspection, and forced driving.

In response to the latest conflict of the Philippines, US Secretary of State Brillin and Foreign Minister of Foreign Minister Manlo on Wednesday referring to the peace and stability of China's behavior damage region, which upgraded the situation in the South China Sea.

According to a statement issued by the US State Department, Brinken emphasized the firm commitment to the Philippines in the common defense treaty in the call.