The U.S. Treasury Department stated that the trade surplus of China Customs Data and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has a huge gap, and Beijing should clarify why these data are different.

Bloomberg News reported on Friday (June 21) that the US MinistryThe surplus is nearly 230 billion US dollars (S $ 311.2 billion), which is equivalent to more than 1%of China's GDP.

The report said that since 2000, the average gap between the two sets of data is only $ 7 billion.

The data gap between China's trade surplus has expanded in recent years that has attracted the attention of economists and international organizations.The real scale of trade surplus is the current key issue, because after the downturn in real estate has caused domestic consumption to shrink, the Chinese government relies on foreign trade to promote growth.

One year ago, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange attributed the gap between part of the trade surplus to the use of more free trade experimental zones and outsourcing goods to Chinese companies.However, the US Treasury Department said that it is unclear what trends have led to these gaps in the past three years, and call on China to provide further quantitative evidence to clarify this issue.